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FRANCE: Vaccines, a major issue in the campaign for consular elections

We are disseminating here information from candidate Hugues Zarka, Ensemble en Asie list (LREM) for the next consular elections

Hello ,

Like you, I am attentive and sensitive to the situation of our French fellow citizens in Thailand and Burma.

I spoke by videoconference to the Ministry of French Abroad on April 9 on this subject.

I also spoke at length with Anne Genetet, our deputy for the 11th constituency on this subject and I can assure you that everything is being done in the government to best help the French in Thailand and Burma.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has taken the full measure of the situation of the French in Thailand. Note that the position of the French state on the protection of its fellow citizens can be summed up in three points:

No French will be forgotten

For French people living abroad who live in a country that has a vaccination program (80% of French people living abroad), our fellow citizens are invited to follow this vaccination plan in their country of residence.

Concerning French people living in a country which does not provide for a vaccination program, or which does not plan to include French nationals in this program on an equal level with its nationals (20% of French people living abroad) the Ministry of Affairs foreigners negotiate directly with local authorities in order to be able to provide you with assistance.

Why do we not yet have vaccines from the French Embassy in Thailand?

Quite simply because a bipartite diplomatic negotiation is underway and requires the agreement of both parties to be concluded. France cannot communicate on the outcome of the negotiation until it is completed. This is part of the usual diplomatic practices.

They also wrote to me telling me that it would suffice to pass the vaccines through the diplomatic bag.

No country in the world has the authority to bring into another country a drug or vaccine not authorized by local authorities. This rule applies to France vis-à-vis the local Thai health authorities. It applies reciprocally to other countries having an embassy on French soil.

I will get back to you in the coming days on the developments of which I will be informed.

I also invite you to write to me if you have any specific questions to which you would like an answer from me.

Hugues Zarka
Head of the list in the elections of consular advisers – Together in Asia

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