Since January 1, Pôle emploi has become France Travail.
A new entity which promises greater cooperation with all employment stakeholders and more effective support for RSA applicants and beneficiaries.
A one-stop shop
The objective: to team up with all employment stakeholders to provide the best solution at the best time, thanks to an information system shared by everyone. A simplification of the life of the job seeker, but also that of the business manager. Indeed, this cooperation will also allow HR services to become more efficient: a privileged contact person will be dedicated depending on the request, which will reduce the delays between the moment when the need is expressed and when it is filled.
And support for RSA recipients
Another major challenge is to reduce the time between the time a person registers for the RSA and their first meeting with a Pôle emploi advisor. A time saving which will also be possible thanks to dedicated support.
An engagement contract
Another new feature from France Travail is the establishment of a single and reciprocal employment contract with RSA beneficiaries and job seekers.
Said contract will include an action plan to be implemented with a view to returning to work, including at least fifteen hours of compulsory activity each week. The activity refers to training, immersion in a company, a refresher course in French, support with administrative procedures or a fixed-term employment contract.
Source – South-West Dec 2023
2024-01-09 19:41:35
#Pôle #emploi #France #Travail