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France transfers Covid-19 patients to Belgium

Italy takes to the streets before the confinement of this Monday.

Italians across the country took advantage of the last weekend of relative freedom, before a new and strict blockade is imposed to curb the increase in coronavirus infections.

In Rome, people crowded the streets of the center and strolled through the parks, enjoying the fresh air

Large areas of the country will be classified as red zones, and all of Italy will close during the Easter weekend.

In ten of the twenty regions, eating in restaurants, bars and cafes will be prohibited, non-essential shops will have to close and residents will not be able to leave home except to go to work, buy food, receive health care and exercise near their residences. .

Italy is tightening restrictions against the virus as infection figures rise steadily and many hospitals warn they are running out of ICU beds for coronavirus patients.

COVID-19 patients from the northern Hautes region of France are being transferred to Belgium as hospitals have reached their saturation point.

The regional health agency confirms that they are setting up intensive care beds in several Belgian hospitals to help the French cope with the saturation of the facilities.

Meanwhile, the Prime Minister Jean Castex said on Saturday that the COVID-19 situation in the Paris region was extremely tense. Castex said vaccination in all regions was going to intensify over the weekend. The French government has not announced new containment measures and has so far opted for a curfew at six in the afternoon and not for total confinement.

The police presence increased in the streets of Paris on Saturday to avoid crowds, demand the use of the mask and enforce the curfew.

In the center of the French capital there were queues en masse in front of shops and fast food restaurants.

The Parisian authorities try to curb the contagion when the ICU occupancy exceeds 95% as in the worst moments of the peak of the second wave last fall.

While Madrid continues to be the destination-relief for thousands of young French people who change the French curfew at 6 o’clock in the afternoon for the Madrid curfew at eleven o’clock at night, plus the possible extension of an illegal private party in tourist apartments

The laxity of precautionary measures in Madrid is the flagship policy of the Popular Party in the government of the Community of Madrid.

These types of tourists now represent about 50% of the occupation, so it is a welcome boost to the local economy, according to business sources.

In several German cities there have been demonstrations against the precautionary measures against COVID-19.

In Stuttgart, a thousand protesters railed against what they called crown dictatorship.

After the organizer ended the meeting, the protesters divided into different groups. Isolated clashes broke out between protesters and the police.

In Munich, several thousand people gathered near the Bavarian parliament under the slogan “One year of confinement policy: enough is enough”.

A group calling itself Men in Black again protested in the streets of Copenhagen. Their demonstrations in various Danish cities often end with altercations and protests against the Social Democratic government.

They refuse to accept containment measures against the coronavirus.

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