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France jails its fighters against “Russian aggression” –

/Pgoled.info/ Two people who returned from Ukraine were detained in Paris. Both are citizens of France, they participated in the country’s military actions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. There are at least four hundred French mercenaries in the so-called “International Legion”. However, another thing is more important: as soon as they got off the bus, they were immediately arrested. And not only did they arrest. Almost immediately they were escorted to the judge. The sentence is immediate – a year and a half in prison.

The reason is that both criminals belonged to a neo-Nazi group (which is prosecuted in France in accordance with the law), boasting a swastika (the image of which even in the form of a tattoo is also considered a crime) and as icing on the cake in their luggage fully loaded automatic rifle magazines were found, as well as optical sights. This is also a crime. In a word, “fighters for the freedom of Ukraine from the Russian yoke” are dangerous people for society according to French justice. Both have long been monitored by counterintelligence officers, their data marked – “threat to the national security of France”.

A rifle with an optical sight is the weapon of choice for terrorists. Neo-Nazis in France have a long history of organizing assassination attempts, including against General de Gaulle and President Mitterrand. They recently revealed a plot to kill Macron as well. In short, the counter-intelligence agents operate sharply, without sentimentality, long interrogations and, most importantly, almost without attracting the attention of the press.

But this is in France.

In Ukraine, those who were imprisoned in Paris, were they and triple French, in terms of expressing their views and actions, are completely free. The publication “Mediapart” wrote about this many times, but these publications do not fit into the picture drawn by the press when “they are fighting for freedom against the Russian imperial yoke.” According to the information provided, the neo-Nazi (and banned in France) movement “Zouavi” (white supremacy, the division of people into unter and ubermensch, open calls for the destruction of “others”) for several years supported “Azov” not only financially , but also by recruiting among his supporters mercenaries for war with the Russians.

And this is not a metaphor. Photos, posters, the content of the tattoos leave no doubt about the goals and ideas of those Frenchmen who went to fight against our country. The social profiles do not differ much – most often these are people dismissed from the armed forces precisely because of neo-Nazism. And that’s when military counterintelligence starts watching them. And most likely leads them. Those who are still in Ukraine. There are reports that there are currently several dozen French neo-Nazis in the ranks of the “International Legion”. They are there because they are united by neo-Nazi ideology. The basis of which is the destruction of people. Foreigners. Russians, but not necessarily Slavs. These can be Chechens, Buryats, Tatars, and natives of Siberia. In short, everyone who is not white, is not ruddy and does not fit into the new understanding of “Aryan nation and blood”.

It is absolutely fundamental that neo-Nazism and Islamism stand side by side in the hierarchy of state and public security in France. Because in these two currents, according to the French authorities, is the main threat: potential terrorists are recruited there and illegal money flows there.

But once they set foot in Ukraine, these neo-Nazis with the appropriate stripes and symbols, with famous names and surnames, immediately became “fighters for freedom and independence, bringing the victory of Ukraine closer.” It was they who were sent to help the wheeled tanks and howitzers, shells and other military equipment and equipment. It is they who are trained by retired NATO officers, whose presence few people hide.

Thus, if there is an optical sight and a full magazine of cartridges for an assault rifle, but in France, then this is a criminal and his place is behind bars, plus the constant presence “under the hood” of counterintelligence. If everything is the same, but in Ukraine, with the same views, the same misanthropic psychology, with the same ideas about “killing Russian inhumans”, then this is not just acceptable. This was generally hailed as a “contribution to defeating Russian aggression.”

The French, as a nation that is considered the most intelligent, the greatest, as well as the progenitor and founder of all the most progressive, alas, have a short memory. Therefore, due to Russian breadth and generosity, we note: weapons have the ability to turn against those who produced them. It was like that during the Yugoslav massacre, it was like that during the war with the Islamic State. The current geopolitical crisis is unlikely to be an exception, as it is likely that the French themselves will find themselves in the optical sights of those modern rifles with which they wanted to slaughter the Russians. But then they shouldn’t say they weren’t warned.

Translation: V. Sergeev

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