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France “does not wish to discriminate” of the elderly or frail in progressive deconfinement

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The deconfinement is organized, the government delivering details in a dropper. Emmanuel Macron clarified that he “Do not want discrimination” elderly or frail people in progressive deconfinement after May 11, the Elysee reported on Friday evening April 17.

The Head of State wished to make this update by seeing “Raise the debate on the situation of our elders, after the declarations of Professor Jean-François Delfraissy”. He had said on Wednesday in the Senate that “For people of a certain age, 65 or 70” and fragile people, “We will continue confinement”. According to the latest report on Friday, at least 7,203 deaths linked to the pandemic in France were counted in the only accommodation establishments for dependent elderly people (Ehpad).

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The total number of people dead is 18,681, announced the Director General of Health, Jérôme Salomon, or 761 more people in 24 hours. For the third day in a row, the number of people hospitalized for Covid-19 fell by 115 to a total of 31,190, Jérôme Salomon said in a press briefing. The number of people in intensive care is also decreasing, for the ninth day in a row, with a decrease of 221 patients, to 6,027.

  • Transition from a sick leave scheme to partial unemployment

While confinement has been in place for more than a month, measures are evolving. People on sick leave from work or those more vulnerable to coronavirus will go from sick leave to partial unemployment, which allows them to receive compensation at 70% of gross salary and 84% net salary (100% for the minimum wage), from 1er may. To finance it, the government released 1.2 billion additional credits.

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Since the start of confinement, people who cannot telework and have to look after their children could take sick leave and receive daily allowances of 90% of gross wages.

  • New economic measures taken

In addition to expanding partial unemployment, the government has released 281 million euros to finance the purchase of non-sanitary masks or to support zoos, animal shelters and family circuses; and 500 million credits for repayable advances and subsidized loans to fragile or distressed businesses.

Road transport is not forgotten: the government has released “390 million euros in cash flow measures” in favor of this sector. “Two new specific measures” have been put in place to facilitate “The continuation of this priority economic activity”. The internal consumption tax on energy products (TICPE), currently reimbursed to road haulage operators every six months, will exceptionally be reimbursed quarterly. According to the government, this measure “Will allow an immediate cash gain of almost 300 million euros for the entire industry”. Second gesture in favor of the sector: “The next installment of the road vehicle tax (TSVR) 2020, which must be paid no later than 1er September will be postponed for three months “. The government believes that “This postponement will relieve the cash flow of companies in the sector by 90 million euros”.

In addition, donor organizations have called for the cancellation of three months’ rent for very small businesses (very small businesses) which had to close at the start of the containment. This request was made in the context of strong tensions between the merchant federations, which demanded a general cancellation of the rents, and their main owners, notably the shopping centers, who favored a simple postponement. In a separate press release, Bruno Le Maire welcomed “A very important gesture of solidarity that will help relieve the cash flow of small businesses”.

  • The power of mayors limited

Containment is also regularized. This is why the Council of State decided to limit the power of the mayors, judging that they could not take other measures than those decided by the State within the framework of the state of health emergency.

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The highest administrative court ruled in summary proceedings on a municipal decree which had imposed the wearing of masks in the town of Sceaux (Hauts-de-Seine). The Council of State poses as the only exceptions to this principle “Compelling reasons linked to local circumstances”, But “Provided that we do not compromise consistency and efficiency [des mesures] taken by state authorities “.

  • Landing of a cruise ship refused in Marseille

The prefect of Bouches-du-Rhône refused to grant a waiver to a cruise ship wishing to make an unexpected stopover in Marseille to land 1,400 people, including 461 French passengers, the prefecture announced Friday evening. In a press release, the prefecture recalls that the boat Costa deliziosa, flying the Italian flag, was initially to complete its journey in Venice (Italy).

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Since March 14, when he was in Australia, the more than 2,000 people on board (tourists and crew) have no longer “Hit the ground”, assured the representative of Costa. The Costa deliziosa Since mid-March, it has only made technical stops. “It is a healthy boat, only one Italian passenger was disembarked in Sicily with symptoms of the Covid-19, but the first tests are negative according to the Italian press”, insisted the representative of Costa. Due to the French refusal, passengers will have to disembark in Italy, “Genoa or Savona”, the company reported.

Since March 15, the prefecture has already authorized derogations for the docking at the large seaport of Marseille of six cruise ships, “Having enabled the repatriation of more than 2,200 French and European passengers”, said the prefecture of Bouches-du-Rhône.

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