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France and the United States undertake to restore “confidence”

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Finally a way out of the crisis, six days after the outbreak of the most serious diplomatic conflict between the United States and France since the French “no” to the Iraq war in 2003? The meeting was eagerly awaited, while the dispute between Paris and Washington over the contract for the sale of submarines broken by Australia for the benefit of the United States continued to escalate. Emmanuel Macron spoke on Wednesday by phone with Joe Biden. Their foreign ministers, Jean-Yves Le Drian and Antony Blinken, are expected to meet face to face on Thursday in New York, an American official announced.

  • Open communication would have avoided the crisis, recognize Joe Biden and Emmanuel Macron

The French and American presidents agreed, during a telephone call on Wednesday, September 22, that open communication between States would have spared them this tension, according to a joint statement from the Elysee and the White House.

“Open consultations between allies on questions of strategic interest to France and European partners would have made it possible to avoid this situation. President Biden has expressed his lasting commitment to this subject ”, the statement said.

As a result, the two heads of state, who will meet “In Europe at the end of October”, have “Decided to launch a process of in-depth consultations aimed at putting in place the conditions guaranteeing confidence and proposing concrete measures to achieve common objectives”.

In this context of appeasement, the French ambassador to the United States, Philippe Etienne, will return to Washington ” next week “, decided Emmanuel Macron. Paris announced Friday the recall of the ambassadors to the United States and Australia, an unprecedented decision vis-à-vis two historic allies, after the torpedoing of the mega-contract to sell French submarines in Canberra.

Joe Biden further claimed that he was “Necessary for European defense to be stronger and more efficient” to contribute to transatlantic security and complement “The role of NATO”. United States “Reaffirm that the engagement of France and the European Union in the Indo-Pacific region is of strategic importance”, adds the press release.

The United States has also committed to “Strengthen their support for counterterrorism operations led by European states in the Sahel region”.

Read the decryption: How the United States left France in the dark

A few hours before, the Elysee Palace had specified that this telephone discussion, held at “The request of the President of the United States, should allow to obtain “Clarifications on the American choice to keep a European ally away from structuring exchanges on cooperation in the Indo-Pacific. “

The French head of state said he was also waiting for the establishment of a “Solid process” “which makes it possible to create the conditions for restoring confidence in actions and through concrete measures and not just in words”.

“This concerns in particular: the strategic importance of French and European engagement in the Indo-Pacific; the full recognition by our American allies of the need to strengthen European sovereignty as well as the importance of the growing commitment of Europeans to their defense and security; common commitment in the fight against terrorism ”, detailed the Elysee.

  • Jean-Yves Le Drian will meet Antony Blinken on Thursday

Wednesday evening, after the exchange between the two presidents, an American official announced the holding of a meeting on Thursday between the American and French foreign ministers. Antony Blinken and Jean-Yves Le Drian had “A good exchange”, Wednesday evening, on the sidelines of a meeting of the permanent members of the UN Security Council, and “We expect them to have a moment together again, bilaterally”, Thursday, the official told reporters.

  • Strong reactions from Jean-Luc Mélenchon and Marine Le Pen

In France, the oppositions were quick to react to the reestablishment of dialogue between Paris and Washington. Jean-Luc Mélenchon denounced, Wednesday evening, a “Surrender”. ” That’s it ! Macron surrendered unconditionally to Biden “, wrote the candidate of La France insoumise on Twitter. “Macron gives his leash to humiliated France, he added.

For her part, Marine Le Pen wanted to be ironic: “In the area of ​​preserving our independence and our pride, with Emmanuel Macron, the worst is always certain! “ she tweeted, after the long-awaited conversation between the French president and his American counterpart.

Among other reactions, Socialist Senator Rachid Temal pleaded for a ” investigative committee “ parliamentarian on the canceled Australian contracts case. “If I understand correctly a simple phone call from Biden to Macron announcing to him in preview the eviction of France from the contract of the century would have been enough? ! This is not serious “, he also reacted on Twitter.

The centrist Senator Nathalie Goulet had asked, Monday, the creation of a commission of inquiry after the announcement by Australia of its decision to cancel its contract to purchase French submarines.

Read also Submarine crisis: a few hours before the termination of the contract, the Australians sent a “satisfied” letter to Paris, according to the army

Our selection of articles on the submarine crisis between France and Australia

The World with AFP

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