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France and Germany Leading the Way in Testing European Digital Identity System

France and Germany are starting to implement their own systems running on the European Digital Identity
The European Union would like to introduce the citizen (as well as other documents) in a mobile phone by 2025 at the latest
In the Czech Republic, the eDokladovka application looks the most interesting

Not so long ago, we reported quite comprehensively about the European Union’s European Digital Identity (EUDI) project. The common European identity card in the phone should arrive in sharp operation in 2025. However, the alliance of the countries of France and Germany already want to test this technology on their citizens.

European citizen in mobile

EUDI is, rather than an application itself, a system that will allow individual European Union (EU) member states to convert key personal documents and identification cards into electronic form. As a result, the obligation to carry a plastic card with you everywhere, such as a citizen’s or driver’s license, will disappear. At the same time, the EUDI system provides comprehensive protection of this extremely sensitive data.

On Monday, July 10, representatives of the digitization ministries of France and Germany as part of the POTENTIAL consortium agreed that these two countries would be the first to test the system in practice. Various usage scenarios will be explored, as well as how this technology can be implemented into the lives of ordinary people to fully fulfill its potential.

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The ambition of the European Union is to launch a “common European citizen” in a year and a half, in 2025. It follows from previous statements that the member countries will have exactly one year to fully adopt the EUDI system and include it in the state administration. The goal is for each country to offer its citizens the opportunity to choose whether they want to carry plastic cards or their digital counterparts.

In the Czech Republic, CZ.NIC, the operator of the mojeID service, is interested in EUDI implementation. The second solution is to be the eDokladovka application, which is already being developed by the State Printer of Valuations from 2021. Minister for Regional Development Ivan Bartoš (Pirates) said last year that a mobile wallet running on the EUDI system will be introduced by the end of 2023. At the moment, however, it is not clear whether the Czech Republic will also participate in the testing process before the launch itself.

Author of the article

Jakub Fischer

Journalist, fan of modern technology, summer months and Asian food. I like Lynch movies, Pollock paintings, french house and Arsenal football club. In my spare time, I play PlayStation and go jogging.

2023-07-14 07:00:00
#France #launch #European #card #phone #Czechs #playing #catchup

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