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France abandons chloroquine and United States WHO

Each week, the Journal du Geek takes stock of developments in the world of tech, pop culture but also science and politics in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Credits: geralt / Pixabay.

Every week, the Geek Diary undertakes to keep you informed of the progress of this health crisis. This weekly press review will cover the worlds of tech or pop culture as well as those of the political and scientific sectors. As a reminder, all of the information concerning the COVID-19 coronavirus and the current pandemic from which it originated is gathered in our file, which has been constantly updated since the beginning of January 2020.

Political measures

COVID-19’s government contact tracking application, StopCovid, was finally revealed in pictures. Its launch was the subject of a debate and a vote in Parliament on May 27 which was favorable to the project. The French government’s “contact tracing” application will therefore be launched (on iOS and Android) from Tuesday, June 2. To be considered as a “contact case” of a sick person, you must meet a number of fairly specific conditions. : in particular, stand about a meter away from another user (declared ill, a posteriori), for at least 15 minutes.

US President Donald Trump announced Friday that the United States is withdrawing from the World Health Organization. The latter did not respond favorably to his ultimatum concerning China, which it considers partly responsible for the current health crisis. As a result, WHO is losing a major part of its budget.

As a reminder, here are the decisions taken on Thursday, May 28, to remember regarding phase 2 of deconfinement in France (Source: 20 Minutes):

  • Tuesday, June 2, bars and restaurants may reopen in green areas but only on terraces in orange areas (Mayotte, Guyana and Île-de-France). This reopening will be organized around certain conditions of social distancing (no more than 10 people per table) and wearing of the mask (on the part of the staff, especially in the kitchen). For orange areas, you will have to wait until Monday, June 22.
  • The parks and gardens as well as the beaches, lakes and bodies of water in French territory will become accessible again from Tuesday, June 2.
  • As of June 2, the travel limitation to more than 100 kilometers from home will end.
  • From June 2, in green areas, all colleges and high schools will also reopen. Only the 6th and 5th classes will reopen in the orange areas. 100% of elementary schools are expected to reopen within a week.
  • The museums, monuments and performance halls green areas may reopen from June 2, according to certain rules. The cinemas from across the country will resume operations on June 22.
  • Finally, the team and contact sports will remain prohibited until further notice. However, swimming pools, sports halls and gymnasiums will be able to reopen on June 2 in the green zone, and on June 22 in the orange zones.

State of scientific knowledge

Supporter of chloroquine (or hydroxychloroquine, its derivative) since the first hour, Didier Raoult, infectiologist of the IHU of Marseille, considers “messy” the first large statistical study on the relevance of a treatment with chloroquine in COVID-19 patients.

Following the famous study and the unfavorable opinions given by the High Council for Public Health (HCSP) and the Medicines Agency (ANSM), the French government has repealed an emergency authorization decree for hydroxychloroquine. This drug is therefore no longer authorized to treat COVID-19 in France. (Source: L’Obs)

The situation of the Tech sector

In South Korea, operator SK Telecom and Japanese automaker Omron Electronics have devised a stand-alone robot that disinfects surfaces with ultraviolet light, provides hydroalcoholic gel and takes head temperatures.

Sporting and cultural events

Without being able to discover new films on the Croisette, moviegoers will have the right to a festival on YouTube. We are One brings together 20 of the world’s biggest festivals around a fully digital event. From Friday, May 29 until Sunday, June 7, 105 films will be broadcast on YouTube.

The 2020 edition of the BlizzCon, Blizzard Studio’s annual gaming convention, has been canceled. It was to take place in Anaheim, California, next November. The organizers would prepare a “digital edition” for early 2021. (Source: EnGagdet)

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