Home » today » World » France, 100 thousand people in the square against the green pass. And the yellow vests are back – Corriere.it

France, 100 thousand people in the square against the green pass. And the yellow vests are back – Corriere.it

from Stefano Montefiori

The health pass is transformed into a “Nazi” with the now usual comparison between the green pass and the yellow star that the Nazis imposed on Jews

PARIS – Freedom against the Nazi pass is the slogan most pronounced by the demonstrators, freedom against the health pass transformed into a “Nazi” with the now usual comparison between the green pass and the yellow star that the Nazis imposed on the Jews. Thousands of people took to the streets in Paris and throughout France for the third Saturday of no vax parades, which are increasingly turning into generic outbursts of protest against “the system”: the targets are anti-Covid tests, the vaccine and the requirement of related certificates , but also Big Pharma (the pharmaceutical companies), and from there the multinationals, capitalism, pension reform and Macron, the “president of the rich” whose resignation is being asked.

In Montepellier, protesters targeted a pharmacy and the tent used for tampons, screaming “collabo”, collaborationist (again a reference to Nazism), to the pharmacist, who was forced to dismantle the tent and close the shop. In Nice shouts of “collaboration” against the mayor Christian Estrosi who encourages citizens to get vaccinated, and the image of a group of firefighters at the head of the march of demonstrators. Four processions in Paris, one of which organized by revive yellow vests, converged in place de la République and then at the Bastille with the now usual clashes between demonstrators and police in riot gear: by the violent fringes of the procession throwing stones, bottles, garbage bins set on fire , and a few kicks and punches to the isolated policemen; by the police tear gas, batons and water cannons, according to a script which has now been repeated since November 2018 with the yellow vests uprising, it had continued during the strikes against the pension reform, experienced the pause of the spring 2020 lockdown and now seems to be starting again, despite the fact that it is July 31 and many cities – especially Paris – are emptying for the holidays .

The radical left and the extreme right are competing for the favors of the protest, the health pass wanted by Macron e disliked by a minority of the population (the majority runs to get vaccinated) is giving new impetus to political forces that seemed in difficulty, barely a year after the presidential election in spring 2022. “Today’s demonstrations must be understood and respected – says Jean-Luc Mélenchon, leader on the left. of France Insoumise -. The health pass is a false good idea, an absurd generalized check, inconsistent and dangerous due to the illusion of protection it spreads ».

“We are more than 100 thousand in Paris alone, in the height of summer, Macron has to do only one thing, the suitcase!»Shouts into the microphone Florian Philippot, former right hand of Marine Le Pen and founder of movement of the Patriots which seems to have found a new political space thanks to the opposition to the vaccine. Marine Le Pen herself, for a long time undecided between support to the vaccination campaign (to strengthen his responsible side) and to the protest (in order not to lose the anti-system votes), he has now decided to take sides without hesitation against the health pass decided by rival Macron.

While in the West of France they appear fake guillotines with slogans against Macron and against the deputies who voted on the decree to implement the health pass, the government does not give up, thanks to the increase in vaccinations, which reach more than 800 doses in one day. The crowd that all over France in midsummer protests against the health pass is a political fact that cannot be ignored. But also the majority of French people who do not parade because they agree to use the only weapon available against the pandemic and get vaccinated, while the spread of the delta variant worries scientists.

In his speech of July 12, Macron has already said that «in function of the evolution of the situation, we will undoubtedly have to ask ourselves the question of compulsory vaccination for all French people“. And despite the demonstrations and slogans, the theme of the mandatory vaccine now returns in the words of the macronist deputy François Jolivet: “The unvaccinated die of the delta variant, in all age groups. If in the coming weeks we are forced to a new confinement or to postpone interventions in hospitals because they are full of unvaccinated, the collective interest will have to prevail and we will have to consider making the vaccine mandatory ».


July 31, 2021 (change July 31, 2021 | 22:22)

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