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Frame rate vs. Resolution: Xbox boss clearly takes a stand for Xbox Series X.

What is more important for the gaming experience: frame rate or resolution? Xbox Spokesman Phil Spencer has a clear answer to the question that is hotly debated in the gaming community: if it is up to him, games for the Xbox Series X should clearly focus on more FPS.

For Phil Spencer, the frame rate is clearly the more important value

The myth that the human eye cannot perceive more than 30 frames per second has been refuted by countless attempts. There is of course no objection to another, subjective argument of some users that 30 FPS would offer a better “cinematic” experience. According to Xbox boss Phil Spencer, he has a clear preference when it comes to optimizing games for the upcoming Xbox Series X console: For him, a high frame rate is much more important for a good gaming experience than a high resolution.
Interview with SpencerStevivor: “With a look into the future, we put a very clear focus on how games feel, it’s not just about throwing more pixels on the screen.” Microsoft has therefore set a clear focus with the Xbox Series X on significantly expanding the possibilities in terms of the refresh rate for developers. Even though the upcoming console can theoretically output 8k content, in his opinion it is preferable to reduce the resolution in favor of a higher refresh rate.

Xbox One X has reached the end

As Spencer explains, the current generation of consoles also shaped his opinion here: “I think we are with theXbox One X generationArrived at a point where games look incredibly good and there is still enough to do to make them look even better. But I want games to feel as good as they look. “From the Xbox boss’ point of view, this desire could no longer be achieved with the current generation:” This is mainly due to the fact that the CPU is compared to the GPU , which is in the console, does not deliver enough power to achieve the feel and frame rate (…) we are aiming for, “said Spencer.

However: Despite the preference of the Xbox boss, the decision whether resolution or frame rate is a priority remains with the developers. “We want to give developers the tools to do the things they want to do.” In any case, you can be very excited about what the optimization of the first Xbox Series X titles will really look like – what the new console will do, you can find out in ourXbox Series X Special Article,

Meme, Phil Spencer, Xbox Series X, joke, jokes
Fakes Forge

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