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FRAGNES-LA LOYere. A morning to donate blood at the Espace entreprises

A great initiative of the Association of companies in the industrial sector Saôneor (Adedis), chaired by Anne-Catherine Lebeaud, co-manager of the communication agency Graines de Com. In partnership with the Amicale intervillages Crissey-Sassenay-Virey-Lessard, a blood drive will be organized on Wednesday 3 November, at the premises of the Espace entreprises, Saôneor zone in Fragnes-La Loyère.

Anne-Catherine Lebeaud explains: “Sensitive to the alert message from the French Blood Establishment (EFS), we told ourselves that the industrial zone represented an enormous potential for donors. Bringing the EFS there makes things easier. It will suffice for everyone to get out of their office for a few minutes to make a donation. The loss of time will be minimal, even for the busiest. The Inter-village Amicale, chaired by Danièle Begonin, will organize the snack. “

Four rooms available

A first at the Espace entreprises. “If it works, we will repeat the experience. We were able to benefit from the communication network of the Grand Chalon to announce the event and the Sem Val de Bourgogne, owner of the premises, graciously places four rooms at our disposal. Adedis thus helps the Amicale and makes its reputation available to volunteers. The French Blood Establishment is setting up a special link for the occasion and two mobilizers will be present on Thursday, October 28 to promote this collection among employees and trainees in training. “

PRACTICE Blood drive Wednesday November 3, 9 am to 1 pm, at the Espace entreprises, 12 rue Alfred-Kastler 71 530 Fragnes (Saôneor Zone). Reservations recommended on www.monrdvsang. The collection is not only open to companies, but also to all those who wish to donate blood.

Fragnes-La Loyère – What is ADEDIS?

The Association of companies in the industrial sector Saôneor (Adedis), chaired by Anne-Catherine Lebeaud, has 100 members. Its objectives: to allow companies to develop their activity by making themselves better known, to create exchanges and feedback between them, to be a force of proposal with Grand Chalon.

The association organizes company visits and conferences for its members. It provides assistance for the professional integration of young people in particular, by raising awareness among its members on this subject. More than 350 companies are located in the Saôneor zone. They employ 6,000 people.

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