Heart of the Wild: 3 Mana, Common, Spell. It gives a creature + 2 / + 2 and then + 1 / + 1 to your Beast.
Pride Seeker: 3 Mana, 2/4, Rare. Battlecry: The following Choose One your card will cost 2 less.
Ice Trap: 2 Mana, Epic, Frost, Spell. Secret: When your opponent plays a spell, he puts it back in his hand instead. It costs 1 more.
Stormpike Battle Ram: 4 Mana, 4/3, Rare, Beast. Rush. Deathrattle: The next Beasted 2 will cost less.
Shivering Sorceress: 1 Mana, 2/2, Common. Battlecry: Decreases the Mana Cost by 1 for the highest Mana Cost spell in your hand.
Arcane Brilliance: 4 Mana, Rare, Arcane, Spell. It gives you a copy of a spell in a deck of Manas 7, 8, 9, and 10.
Vitality Surge: 2 Mana, Common, Holy, Spell. You pull a creature. It heals as much of your hero as the drawn creature costs.
Hold the Bridge: 3 Mana, Common, Holy, Spell. A creature has + 2 / + 1 and Divine Shield-and to. Lifestealyou also get until the end of the round.
Stonehearth Vindicator: 3 Mana, 3/1, Epic. Battlecry: You draw a spell that costs 3 or less. The drawn spell goes to 0 in this round.
Cavalry Horn: 5 Mana, 3/2, Common. Deathrattle: Summons the creature with the lowest Mana Cost out of your hand.
Protect the Innocent: 5 Mana, Rare, Spell. Summons a 5/5 Defender Taunt-bowl. If your hero is healed in this round, he will summon one more.
- Stormpike Defender: 5 Mana, 5/5. Taunt.
Gift of the Naaru: 1 Mana, Epic, Holy, Spell. Heals 3 to all characters. If either is still damaged, you draw a card.
Bless: 2 Mana, Rare, holy, Spell. It gives a creature +2 Life and then equates its Attack with its Life.
Luminous Geode: 2 Mana, 1/4, Common, Elemental. Once one of your creatures is healed, it gives him a +2 Attack.
Stormpike Aid Station: 3 Mana, Rare, Spell. At the end of your turn, it gives your creatures +2 Life. It lasts for 3 laps.
Double Agent: 3 Mana, 3/3, Common. Battlecry: If you have a card from another caste in your hand, it will summon a copy of it.
Contraband Stash: 5 Mana, Rare, Spell. He replays 5 cards from other castes you played in this match.
Wildpaw Gnoll: 5 Mana, 4/5, Rare. Rush. It costs 1 less as many times as you put cards from other castes.
Windchill: 1 Mana, Common, Frost, Spell. It freezes a creature. You draw a card.
Frostbite: 2 Mana, Common, Frost, Spell. 3-at sebez. Honorable Kill: Your opponent’s next spell costs 2 more.
Sleetbreaker: 2 Mana, 3/2, Rare, Elemental. Battlecry: He gives you a Windchill card.
Wildpaw Cavern: 4 Mana, Rare, Spell. At the end of your turn, summon a 3/4 Elemental that freezes. It lasts for 3 laps.
- Frozen Stagguard: 3 Mana, 3/4, Elemental. The character that this creature has wounded freezes.
Snowfall Guardian: 5 Mana, 3/3, Common, Elemental. Battlecry: It freezes all other creatures. You get +1 / +1 for each frozen creature.
Glaciate: 6 Mana, Rare, Frost, Spell. Discover (Discover mechanism) is an 8 Manas creatures. Summons and freezes.
Grave Defiler: 1 Mana, 2/1, Common. Battlecry: He copies a Fel spell in your hand.
Seeds of Destruction: 2 Mana, Rare, Fel, Spell. He shuffles four Rifts into your deck. They summon a 3/3 Dread Impet when they are drawn.
- Fel Rift: 3 Mana, Fel, Spell. It wears out when you pull it up. Summons a 3/3 Dread Impet.
- Dread Imp: 3 Mana, 3/3, Demon.
Desecrated Graveyard: 3 Mana, Rare, Spell. At the end of your turn, he destroys your lowest Attack creature to summon a 4/4 Shade. It lasts for 3 laps.
- Desecrated Shade: 4 Mana, 4/4.
Full-Blown Evil: 3 Mana, Rare, Fel, Spell. Damage 5 randomly distributed among all enemy creatures. It can be repeated in this round.
Felwalker: 6 Mana, 3/7, Common, Demon. Taunt. Battlecry: Use up the highest Mana Cost Fel spell out of your hand.
Iceblood Garrison: 2 Mana, Rare, Spell. At the end of your turn, you deal 1 damage to all creatures. It lasts for 3 laps.
To the Front!: 2 Mana, Rare, Spell. Your creatures will cost 2 less in this round (but not less than 1).
Glory Chaser: 3 Mana, 4/3, Common. After playing one Tauntcreature, you draw a card.
Axe Berserker: 4 Mana, 3/5, Common. Rush. Honorable Kill: You’re pulling a gun.
Shield Shatter: 10 Mana, Rare, Frost, Spell. It deals 5 damage to all creatures. It costs 1 less as many times as you have Armor.
Irondeep Trogg: 1 Mana, 1/2, Rare. Once your opponent uses a spell, he summons a copy of it.
gankster: 2 Mana, 4/2, Common. Stealth. Once your opponent plays a creature, it attacks it.
Ram Commander: 2 Mana, 2/2, Common. Battlecry: He puts two 1/1 Ram in your hand Rush-al.
- Battle Ram: 1 Mana, 1/1, Beast. Rush.
Stormpike Quartermaster: 2 Mana, 2/2, Common. After playing a spell, you give + 1 / + 1 to a randomly selected creature in your hand.
Bunker Sergeant: 3 Mana, 2/4, Common. Battlecry: If your opponent has 2 or more creatures, he deals 1 damage to all enemy creatures.
Direwolf Commander: 3 Mana, 2/5, Common. Honorable Kill: Summons a 2/2 Wolf Stealth-the.
- Frostwoff Cub: 2 Mana, 2/2, Beast. Stealth.
Kobold Taskmaster: 3 Mana, 2/4, Rare. Battlecry: 2 Armor puts a Scrap in your hand that gives +2 Life to a creature.
- Armor Scrap: 1 Mana, Spell. Gives a creature +2 Life.
Piggyback Imp: 3 Mana, 4/1, Common, Demon. Deathrattle: Summons a 4/1 Impet.
- Backpiggy Imp: 3 Mana, 4/1, Demon.
Reflecto Engineer: 3 Mana, 2/4, Common. Battlecry: He exchanges his Attack and Life for all beings in the hands of both players.
Snowblind Harpy: 3 Mana, 3/4, Rare. Battlecry: If you have a Frost spell in your hand, this creature gets 5 Armors.
Frostwolf Warmaster: 4 Mana, 3/3, Rare. It costs 1 less as many times as you play cards in this round.
Herald of Lokholar: 4 Mana, 3/5, Common. Battlecry: You draw a Frost spell.
Ice Revenant: 4 Mana, 4/5, Common, Elemental. When you play a Frost spell, it gets + 2 / + 2.
Korrak the Bloodrager: 4 Mana, 3/5, Legendary. Deathrattle: If it was not killed with honor (Honorable Kill mechanism), it recalls Korrak.
Stormpike Marhasl: 4 Mana, 2/6, Rare. Taunt. If you get 5 or more damage among your opponent, it costs 1.
Tower Sergeant: 4 Mana, 4/4, Common. Battlecry: If you have at least 2 other creatures on the battlefield, it gets + 2 / + 2.
Blood Guard: 5 Mana, 4/7, Common. When this creature takes damage, it gives your creatures a +1 Attack.
Frantic Hippogryph: 5 Mana, 3/7, Common, Beast. Rush. Honorable Kill: Windfury-t cap.
Icehoof Protector: 6 Mana, 2/10, Common. Taunt. The character that this creature has wounded freezes.
Legionnaire: 6 MAna, 9/3, Common. Deathrattle: Gives all creatures in your hand + 2 / + 2.
Humongous Owl: 7 Mana, 8/4, Common, Beast. Deathrattle: It deals 8 damage to a randomly selected enemy.