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Fracture for Oskar Westerlin

It ended between Victoria Røed Weinberger Torjussen (24) and the social profile Oskar Westerlin (24).

Torjussen confirms it in Buonasera Norway.

They have been together for over seven years.

Friendly tone

– It was natural and nothing violent had happened, but rather that we had drifted apart, explains Torjussen.

He adds that today there is a friendly tone between the two and describes the breakup as undramatic:

– It went really well and it’s no secret, but I don’t need to post so violently about it.

Good evening, Norway understands that Westerlin will talk about the breakup in an upcoming episode of his podcast “The Office”, which Torjussen confirms and has been informed about.

Grew up together

In September of last year, the then couple first appeared on the red carpet:

Westerlin previously stated in an interview with VG who attended the same primary, secondary and upper secondary school:

– I tried already then, but then withdrew a bit a few years before reaching the high school mark, he told the newspaper.

Good evening Norway has been trying to get Westerlin to comment on the breach, so far without success.

The man from Porsgrunn has established himself as one of Norway’s biggest social media profiles.

His food show ‘Skjessen’ has over 133,000 subscribers on Snap, while on TikTok he is followed by nearly 453,000. Additionally, he has appeared on the VGTV programs ‘Oskar og Jølle’ and ‘Spårtsklubben’.

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