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FPÖ wants to ban “foreigner demos” in Vienna – Vienna

For the fourth time in a row, clashes between left-wing activists and right-wing extremists in Vienna are feared. The FPÖ foams.

As demonstrated in the past few days on Left-wing groups in Vienna on Saturday evening – fears of extreme nationalists are feared. The Viennese FPÖ leader Dominik Nepp, however, calls on Interior Minister Karl Nehammer (ÖVP) to “ban the foreigners’ demos in Vienna’s 10th district on the spot”, according to a press release.

“After yesterday’s riots in radical migrant demos in Vienna Favoriten, violence on the streets of Vienna threatens for the fourth time in succession and Nehammer remains completely inactive. It is enough now. How do the Austrians – but also the police officers – get to the angry migrant mob to endure daily, so these demos must be prohibited immediately, “said Nepp. Green Vice Mayor Birgit Hebein also took part in the demo on Friday. Nepp demands that she be removed.

Hofer’s Idea

And FPÖ federal party chairman Norbert Hofer calls for another measure: the reduction of social benefits for demo rioters. If they get money from the state. “If you use a demo to use violence, government aid should be cut or even canceled – regardless of whether the rioter is an Austrian or a foreigner,” says Hofer.

The right to demonstrate is a valuable asset that must be protected. Hofer must not fall victim to the abuse of violent extremists: “The Minister of the Interior must act and examine whether this level of violence under the guise of freedom of demonstration is still reasonable for the Austrian population.”

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