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FPÖ trill: “Situation at Graz university clinic is proof of failed health policy – health councilor before the end!” | FPÖ

Graz (OTS) Due to staff shortages at the LKH-Univ. Klinikum Graz, patients are turned away; According to experts, it is becoming increasingly difficult to fulfill the statutory supply obligation and centralization policy is openly being questioned – Health Minister Bogner-Strauß must finally draw the consequences from failed hospital policy and take her hat off!

The Styrian healthcare system is now like a huge construction site, with the situation in the local hospitals being particularly serious. The long-term crisis is no longer limited to peripheral hospital locations. Rather, the rampant shortage of staff is now also leading to massive supply problems at the LKH-Univ. Graz Clinic. As reported in the media today, the situation has deteriorated to such an extent that the Graz University Hospital can no longer fulfill the legally anchored duty of care to the usual extent. The consequences for employees, patients and the medical profession are fatal. Patients are being turned away more and more often, and seriously ill patients are transported to hospitals in other federal states, there are long waiting times for operations and there is also a loss of quality in the training of young doctors. The situation is not expected to improve in the coming years. But instead of backing those who want to draw attention to the massive problems, there is a gag order for those who find critical words – even if the state government denies any involvement in the whistle. The only conclusion that can be drawn from this is that if the state health councilor knew nothing about the instruction to cancel the press event, she no longer had her own department and the KAGes under control. However, if she was involved in the action, her denials made to the media are simply untrue. “It’s becoming increasingly apparent that the black health councilor’s situation has completely slipped out of her grasp. Juliane Bogner-Strauß is no longer in control of the situation and, in view of the latest developments as a state health officer, has to take her hat off. The Styrians have earned a health policy that faces the challenges of the present and future with an open visor and does not cling to outdated party-political dogmas such as the unspeakable locking policy of previous years,” said FPÖ health spokesman Marco Triller.

Black-red centralization policy proves to be a fatal mistake!

As is well known, the Freedom Party has always advocated the further development and strengthening of rural hospital care structures in recent years. After all, it is not only the regions that benefit from this, but ultimately also the central area of ​​Graz. In contrast, the black-red state government is ardent supporter of an uncompromising centralization policy, from which more and more experts are apparently now distancing themselves. Today’s “Steirerkrone” contains the following quote from KAGes boss Gerhard Stark: “Just ten years ago, I was a fervent advocate of centralization. With the knowledge of today I would answer the question of their correctness more cautiously“. The liberal health spokesman concludes: “There needs to be an immediate change in personnel at the top of the Styrian health department and a rapid new edition of the regional structure plan for health in Styria. The top priority in future hospital policy must be the nationwide strengthening of hospital locations and significant improvements in the general conditions for the staff, only in this way can high-quality care be guaranteed.”

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