Home » today » Health » FPÖ-Nepp outraged: the numbers of Ludwig and Hacker’s Corona hospital were too high

FPÖ-Nepp outraged: the numbers of Ludwig and Hacker’s Corona hospital were too high

In Vienna, the SPÖ also had patients with Covid who were no longer infectious. This is now explained by the head of the Viennese FPÖ, the city councilor Dominik Nepp. This occurred after a change in the counting method. As a result, the number of Covid patients has more than halved.

Nepp accuses SPÖ mayor Ludwig and SPÖ city councilor for health Hacker of manipulating the corona hospital numbers. “It is therefore evident that Ludwig and Hacker are artificially inflating the numbers to bring the Viennese to the Mafia red test and to justify the obligation to wear a mask”, criticizes Nepp.

Nepp calls for an end to the obligation to wear masks on public transport and the obligation to take the test when visiting hospitals. “The Wiener Weg is a single chicane. Many patients do not receive the visit because the mandatory test does not allow spontaneity. This red madness must finally end, “said the Viennese FPÖ president.

Mario Dujaković, a spokesman for the City Health Council Hacker, contradicts on Twitter: Indeed, there was a crease in the regular Covid bed cover on the Ages dashboard. The reason: the counting method has been changed.

“Until now, the federal government’s uniform nationwide requirement was to report so-called post-Covid cases in addition to actively infected Covid hospital patients.” illness, which necessitated further hospital treatment.

The traffic light commission justified it thus: “Some federal states would have wanted this change and many federal states would never have reported them anyway or only sporadically.” From Mario Dujaković’s point of view, Vienna then reported the numbers in full – “apparently as one of the few”.

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