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FPÖ – Nepp: Mahrer-ÖVP continues to support Ludwig-SPÖ’s minimum security madness

Vienna (OTS) –

The head of the FPÖ in Vienna, city councillor Dominik Nepp, is calling on the chairman of the ÖVP in Vienna, Karl Mahrer, to finally change his position on the payment of minimum social security to social migrants. “The ÖVP continues to support the policy of SPÖ mayor Ludwig, who is paying out 4,600 euros in social security benefits to a Syrian asylum seeker family. Karl Mahrer is clearly subordinating everything to his personal goal of being able to play the role of the snob as deputy mayor by Ludwig’s grace and cheap majority provider, despite a likely crushing election defeat in the 2025 Vienna election. He clearly doesn’t care at all that he is offending all working and hard-working Viennese people,” said Nepp.

The ÖVP’s policies are generally hypocritical. “We have an ÖVP Interior Minister Karner who allows all these illegal social migrants from Arabia and Africa to enter Austria unhindered instead of stopping them at the border. The ÖVP Interior Minister is also failing at all levels when it comes to deporting criminal asylum seekers. Furthermore, the ÖVP even allows the climate bonus to be paid out to asylum seekers. In Tyrol, we also have an ÖVP state governor Mattle who, like his socialist colleague Ludwig in Vienna, pays the full amount of the minimum benefit to those entitled to subsidiary protection, while in other federal states they only receive basic care. The ÖVP, together with the SPÖ and the Greens, is pursuing a clear left-wing course in asylum policy,” criticizes Nepp.

Nepp calls on the Vienna ÖVP to end its zigzag course. “The Vienna FPÖ is taking countless initiatives to stop this fatal policy of the Ludwig-SPÖ. Therefore, we need the strongest opposition instrument in the form of motions of no confidence against Mayor Ludwig and his social councillor Hacker. Karl Mahrer still refuses to support these motions of no confidence and continues to block the Ludwig-SPÖ – and only out of self-interest. I know from countless personal conversations that many Vienna ÖVP representatives do not approve of this ingratiating course. I appeal to these reasonable forces within the Vienna ÖVP to work together with the Vienna FPÖ to ensure fairness for Austrian citizens and to stop this red abuse of the social system,” emphasises the Vienna FPÖ chairman.


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