With the expected all-out attack on the government parties ÖVP and Greenssometimes also against the SPÖwaited FPÖ leader Herbert Kickl im you24-Summer talk.
In the current security debate, Kickl is against the Monitoring of messenger servicesthat is “extremely dangerous”. In the end, you can look into every cell phone and every laptop.
“The most important thing” is the Immigration to zero to face up to the situation. The “Islamists” have been allowed into the country, said Kickl, and this must be stopped. In addition, a law against political Islam is needed, similar to the Nazi ban law. Then mosques could be closed and hate preachers could be gotten rid of, says Kickl.
Kickl: Voting rights as a privilege
Die Minimum security for migrants he would “cut it off”, that is, only grant this social assistance to citizens. The right to vote is also a special privilege, and one must improve the situation for one’s own citizens.
Kickl sees asylum as temporary protection and would only grant it for a maximum of three years. After that, people would have to be deported, of course also to countries like Syria or Afghanistan.
In terms of economic policy, the FPÖ leader is clearly against new taxes and wants to create more freedom, whether in bureaucracy or in taxes. Austria is now an “intensive care patient” and therefore needs an “economic policy defibrillator”.