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FPÖ – Hafenecker: Edtstadler is a typical representative of a detached political elite | Liberal Parliament Club

Edtstadler’s brazen demand for “court reporting” should result in an outcry from the media

Vienna (OTS) “Instead of working for the interests of the population, the ÖVP apparently only thinks about two things: Firstly, what kind of dirty things could be done to prevent FPÖ federal party chairman Herbert Kickl as chancellor. On the other hand, how one could still positively sell the completely failed government policy against one’s own population. Edtstadler also sees the media as having a duty to communicate ‘well’. Such a brazen, if subliminal, demand for ‘court reporting’ is a scandal. But obviously the EU and constitutional minister is now ‘the woman for the rough stuff’ in the ÖVP,” stressed FPÖ Secretary General and media spokesman NAbg today. Christian Hafenecker, MA, in connection with Edtstadler’s interview in the “Kleine Zeitung”.

Instead of thinking about how one could do good work for the population – in view of the previous government policy that would be a 180 degree turnaround – Edtstadler only thinks about ‘good communication’ and, in his own words, ‘does not exclude the media ‘. In plain language, that probably means: You can expect one cheering message after the other until the election. Perhaps as a thank you for the Corona funding or as a basis for future funding – what exactly is Edtstadler thinking? In any case, she is the typical representative of a detached political elite who believes that you can fool the population with an X for a U and nobody notices it,” Hafenecker continued.

“If you look at the previous government policy, Edtstadler’s demand for good reporting would mean permanently producing ‘fake news’ in the service of the ÖVP. Such a thing would have to result in a protest of the special class among all media workers who still have a remnant of self-respect. So far, however, there has been no outcry,” said Hafenecker.

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