「Foxit PDF Reader」v12.1.2
On May 16, FoxitJapan Co., Ltd. released “Foxit PDF Reader 12.1.2”, a free high-performance PDF browsing software. It is now available for download from the company’s website. You can also get it from the window forest library. At the same time, a high-end paid version “Foxit PDF Editor 12.1.2” that supports PDF creation and editing has also been released.
“Foxit PDF Reader” and “Foxit PDF Editor” are PDF tools that realize light operation with their own PDF engines. The free version also has an annotation function that allows you to add comments and stamps.
This version fixes 5 vulnerabilities. If left unchecked, it can lead to remote code execution or even the entire system being hijacked by a user with normal privileges, so we recommend updating as soon as possible.