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Fox on the Ferry: Prison Island Escapee Takes a Joyride

ON BOARD: Here the fox prowls around on the ferry MF “Vederøy”, which runs between Bastøy and Horten on Monday afternoon. Photo: Arild Fevang

The fox did not speed across the ice. No, it just as well took the ferry from the prison island.


Less than 10 minutes ago

Perhaps the red fox had heard that part of the fox tribe on the island outside Horten is to be felled because there have become too many of them. Some of the foxes have become so tame that they are perceived as approachable and quite fussy about food. The fugitive is in the latter category.

It was the local paper The regular who mentioned the matter first. The foxes are not afraid of people, partly because the inmates enjoy hand-feeding them. Mikkel – or Mikkeline – has found it difficult to get on the ferry that runs between Horten and Bastøy. Probably without redeeming a ticket.

– Sneak on board

– It was discovered on the boat that leaves Bastøy at 14.35. It had snuck on board, says prison manager Knut Are Svenkerud to VG.

– When the boat docked, it jumped ashore and disappeared towards Horten, he adds.

He says that the fox took a walk in the lounge during the 15-minute ferry ride before eventually disappearing onto the deck. And from there the road to freedom on land was very short when the boat docked.

The prison manager has notified the police that there is now a tame fox in the Hortens area and he has also notified the municipality to avoid people being injured.

– No pit bull foxes

– It is used to going to people to get food, and children in particular can be frightened. But there are no pit bull foxes, there isn’t, says Svenkerud, who says that they have had some bite injuries from foxes on Bastøy in the past.

– There are many indications that there has been an accident in connection with feeding where the fox has probably become eager and gaped too much. We have also experienced that the fox has nibbled on the bags of people who had food in their bags.

– Has the fox had any helpers?

– We have no indication that inmates have released the fox. Our theory is that the fox has somehow cleverly got on board the ferry because it has been hungry and curious. It was discovered and an attempt was made to contain it, but they mark – pee and poo – and can quickly make some noise, and then it ended up on the deck and managed to get ashore, says Svenkerud.

He believes that the escapee is from this year’s litter of puppies.

– It must be allowed, even for me, to say that they are cute, says Svenkerud.

THE CAR TYRE: Here is the fox on its way out onto the car tyre. Photo: Arild Fevang

He says that there are three or four fox families on Bastøy with a total of up to 15 animals. This has led to inbreeding and the state administrator has now given permission to remove those that are not healthy.

– The golden rule on Bastøy is that if someone chooses to avoid there – that is, escape from the island – it is not automatic that they will be allowed to return. This also applies to foxes, Svenkerud laughs and adds:

– But we must always assess each case individually.

The fox on the run appears to be healthy, and one option is to release it in its natural habitat in the forest, provided it has not become too tame, but can fend for itself.

– We have no overall desire for the animal to be euthanized, but for it to be well and for the population of Horten to be well, concludes the prison manager.


Published: 16.10.23 at 22:54

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2023-10-16 20:54:36

#Fox #run #Bastøy

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