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Fourteenth pension 2023: Payment dates and eligibility details

Author: Szymon Starnawski / Grupa Murator The official dates of payment of the fourteenth pension will be known only when the Council of Ministers establishes them in a regulation and only then ZUS will start paying

The act introducing an additional benefit, i.e. the 14th permanent pension, was signed by the president. How much will the 14th pension be in 2023? When will it be paid? For whom is the 14th pension this year?


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The President signed the act on another additional annual cash benefit for pensioners and it has already been published in the Journal of Laws. The Act specifies the conditions for acquiring the right to an additional cash benefit, called the fourteenth old-age pension, by entitled persons. This benefit is to be granted on a permanent basis.

14 pension to be paid: when money in 2023

You don’t need to submit any applications to receive fourteen. ZUS and other pension authorities will grant and pay this benefit ex officio.

ZUS has just informed that the fourteenth will be paid together with the old-age and disability pension in the same way as the main benefit (by transfer or cash order). The payment date will be specified in the regulation issued on the basis of the Act. Because it will enter into force 14 days after its publication in the Journal of Laws, which took place on July 24. The regulation – and thus the official payment date – can be expected after August 7.

The benefit popularly known as the fourteenth pension is available not only to people receiving a standard old-age pension. In total, the Act in Art. 2 lists as many as sixteen groups of beneficiaries who receive money from ZUS on the basis of as many separate acts.

These include people receiving agricultural pensions, retired professional soldiers, policemen and former officers of all other uniformed services.

In addition to the 14th pension entitled are due to:

bridging pension, periodic capital pension or partial pension; penny pension, i.e. in the amount lower than the lowest pension; pre-retirement benefits and allowances; disability pensions, including those paid to war and military invalids, accident and training pensions; social pension and reduced social pension; survivor’s pension; supplementary parental benefit, i.e. Mama 4+ pension, also in the amount lower than the lowest pension; benefits for civilian blind victims of warfare; teacher’s compensation benefit.

It is important that such a person is entitled to one of these benefits on the last day of the month preceding the month of payment.

Fourteenth pension 2023: can you get two titles

In the event of the concurrence of the right to more than one main benefit, the entitled person will be entitled to one additional annual cash benefit, while determining the right to it and its amount, the sum of the benefits paid is assumed.

One benefit will also be payable to a survivor’s pension to which more than one person is entitled. This benefit will be divided proportionally among persons entitled to a survivor’s pension. If more than one person is entitled to a survivor’s pension and at least one of them is entitled to a social pension, the fourteenth old-age pension received under the survivor’s pension will be divided according to the number of persons entitled to a survivor’s pension, excluding those entitled to a social pension.

A person (persons) excluded from the number of persons entitled to a survivor’s pension will be entitled to the fourteenth due to the right to a social pension

How much for the hand of the fourteenth pension

The amount of the 14th old-age pension depends on the amount of the main benefit received (pensions, pensions, etc.). And so the height of fourteen will be equal to:

the amount of the lowest old-age pension applicable from 1 March of the year in which the additional benefit is paid (currently PLN 1,588.44) – for persons whose main benefit, before deductions, deductions and reductions, does not exceed PLN 2,900; the amount of the lowest old-age pension, reduced by the difference between the amount of the main benefit, before deductions, deductions and reductions, and the amount of PLN 2,900 – for persons whose amount of the main benefit, before deductions, deductions and reductions, exceeds PLN 2,900; however, if the amount of the additional benefit calculated for persons with an old-age or disability pension higher than PLN 2,900 is less than PLN 50, the additional benefit is not granted.

In addition, the additional annual cash benefit will not be available to persons who are entitled to the main benefits. was suspended on the last day of the month preceding the month of payment of the additional benefit.

14. pension 2023 without tax and contributions?

The second additional benefit for old-age and disability pensioners in 2023, like the thirteenth, is subject to personal income tax and will be covered by the health insurance contribution.

The Act also provides that deductions and enforcement may not be made from the amount of the additional annual cash benefit.

In addition, the amount of the additional annual cash benefit will not be included in the family income calculated on the basis of the Act on Family Benefits, as well as when determining other benefits, such as housing and other benefits paid by social assistance or ZUS – e.g. supplementary benefits for people unable to live independently.

Finally, let us add that by virtue of the act, the Council of Ministers will not only decide on the date of payment of the fourteen. Moreover, it has the right to determine, by way of a regulation, an amount higher than the amount of the lowest old-age pension, used to determine the amount of the additional benefit, taking into account the socio-economic situation and the condition of public finances. The ordinance may be issued no later than by October 31 of a given year.

See: The text of the act published in the Journal of Laws

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2023-08-12 23:11:42
#14th #pension #paid

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