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Fourteen women row against breast cancer in Lugo

  • The team, which was formed five months ago, now brings together 14 breast cancer survivors.

  • Suitable for all ages: the Lugo Dragons are between 30 and 65 years old

  • A practice to disconnect and create networks between women with very similar experiences

A canoeing team made up of women who have survived the breast cancer. That is the premise of Lugo Epauletswho are part of the Cidade de Lugo Canoeing Club. There are fourteen members of this boat that sail in the same direction: recovery after surviving cancer.

Not all are at the same point of recovery, in this club there are those who have been through this disease for even 6 years but there are also women who have just finished the sessions a few days ago. chemotherapy.

Since April, they all meet with paddles in hand in an unrivalled setting, the banks of the Miño River in the heart of the biosphere reserve. There they practice a rather peculiar specialty of canoeing.

Dragon Boat, ideal for recovery

The variety of canoeing that these people from Lugo practice is known as Dragon Boat and within it there is a particular modality known as BCS or Breast Cancer Survivors (Breast cancer survivors), since its characteristics make it an “ideal sport to practice after breast cancer.”

This is what the Spanish Lymphedema Association says, from which they tell us about the benefits that this sport has for women who have suffered from cancer of this type, since with its practice the state of “the whole body” improves. musculature involved”, from the pectoral to the dorsal and scapular area.

Physical benefits… and psychological benefits

However, one thing that many of these women are looking for is what this sport is capable of providing them psychologically. “It is a team sport, for a moment you forget about your problems and focus on the group,” says Marga, one of the members of this team.

It’s a team sport, for a moment you forget about your problems and focus on the group.

And all of them come to training with one purpose: to escape and disconnect, for a few minutes, from cancer. “We don’t talk about the disease here, We come to free ourselves and forget about all the problems… And we did it.”

Even though they haven’t verbalized the grief that comes with having survived a tough illness, they all understand each other and support each other. “Having colleagues who understand you and who know that you have your ups and downs makes you feel better.” wrapped up”.

A reason to revive

That is why for some of these athletes, the Dragons are particularly special and important not only in their recovery, but in their return to life after the illness: “one of my colleagues told me that thanks to this initiative she has revived“, says Marga.

A team open to all, and that is canoeing does not understand ages: “We have companions from 30 to 65 years old.” They have all found a reason to continue fighting between the river and the shovels.

This team of Dragons and this sport are revolutionizing the lives of more and more breast cancer survivors.


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