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Four vandalisms at test streets in Amsterdam

There have been four cases of vandalism at test streets in Amsterdam so far. Mayor Halsema says this in response to questions from VVD councilor Marianne Poot about vandalism in other places in the country.

According to the mayor, there are four known cases of vandalism. There was one in mid-November stone through the window from the portocabin in Southeast and thrown a stone through the glass of the laboratory in the same place at the beginning of December.

Two stones were also thrown through the window at the Rai, while the test street was open as usual. Be on March 11th banners and a cloth destroyed at the Rai. “There are no known reports of daubing”, says the mayor of test locations. This was the case at the GGD Achtergracht. There, the building was defaced three times at night.


According to the mayor, the test sites are secured 24 hours a day by private security guards and there is currently no reason to increase security.

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