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Four percent for Swiss films: Council of States asks Netflix and Co. to pay more | Switzerland

SWITZERLAND [NEWS SERVICE] ⋅ Streaming platforms are to invest part of their sales generated in Switzerland in local filmmaking in the future. Unlike the National Council, the Council of States wants to make them more responsible.

Streaming providers such as Netflix, Disney or Apple TV should in future have to invest at least four percent of their gross income in Switzerland in independent Swiss filmmaking. The Council of States decided on Monday. It goes much further than the National Council, which reduced the contribution to a maximum of one percent last September.

Compared to other countries, this is a moderate tax, explained Matthias Michel (FDP / ZG) on behalf of the commission. From the point of view of the majority, this creates equally long spits for domestic and foreign providers. As a compromise, a minority wanted to set the rate at two percent.

Council of States against exception for network operators

The Council of States would like to adhere to a replacement fee if the companies fail to meet their investment obligations. As an alternative, the Commission proposed the introduction of an obligation to make additional payments. This money would not have gone to the Federal Office for Culture (BAK) but to an independent film funding foundation.

If the Council of States has its way, then companies should be able to count series and commissioned films as expenses. Advertising for Swiss films up to an amount of CHF 500,000 per year can also be counted as an expense. Expenses include cash benefits for the purchase or production of Swiss films, for example.

The Council of States also spoke out against exempting certain companies from the tax. The National Council wanted companies that operate networks or invest in them to release them from the obligation to invest in filmmaking. To this end, the Council of States wants companies that operate networks to only use the gross income from the film offering. With these differences, the proposal goes back to the National Council. (of)

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