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Four new books are added to the catalogue of collections of the Puntángeles Publishing House

The Puntángeles Publishing House, dependent on the Directorate General for Environmental Relations (DGVM), presented four new books that are being added to its collection catalogue. These texts were funded by the I Fondo Editorial Puntángeles, from ADAIN UPA 2193 of the Ministry of Education.

In this first version of the Fund, the initiatives financed responded to the thematic line of connection with the territory and citizen participation, selecting four academic texts on sports, cultural studies, social movements and psychology. Specifically, these were the books:

● “Volleyball: Teaching volleyball from 8 years old to complete learning”, by the academic from the Department of Physical Activity Sciences, Marcelo Zavala Jara.

● “The maritime-coastal dimension of peripheral modernity. Cultural, material, and symbolic experiences to understand urban-port ways of life”, by the academic from the Department of Integrated Arts, Braulio Rojas Castro.

● “Self-managing human habitation: urban-popular movements in Chile and Venezuela”, by the academic from the Department of Territorial Studies and Intercultural Dialogues, Nelson Carroza Athens.

● “Lessons and challenges of the practices of community psychology students in times of confinement due to Covid-19: Encounters between love and fear”, by Juan Pablo Araya, also an academic from the Department of Territorial Studies and Intercultural Dialogues.

He Director of the publishing house, Guido Olivares Salinas, He explained that 250 copies were printed in paper for distribution through the authors and the communities to which they are addressed. In addition, they are also available free of charge in digital format on the publisher’s website.

The presentation ceremony was held at the Dr. Felix Morales Pettorino Classroom, being headed by the Rector of the University of Playa Ancha, Carlos González Morales; the director of the Editorial and by the Director of the DGVM, Fabiola Vilugrón Aravena.

The presentation of the books was carried out by each team of authors, coming from the Faculties of Social Sciences and Arts, who referred to the research contained in each text and the relevance they represent for the development of the Valparaíso region.

In this regard, the rector of the University, in his words, said that these texts make up the legacy that the institution leaves to its students, to the communities, “but of course, to the territory.”

For her part, the director of the DGVM celebrated the conclusion of this process by announcing the new version of the fund: “We are going to open the third fund of the Puntángeles Publishing House, which will be released in the next few days. So, the idea is that, through the publishing house, we continue to advance in having evidence that helps us make decisions as a region, as a country, and that we can influence public policies with our articles.”

Presentation at the San Felipe campus

The presentation ceremony of the books financed by the Puntángeles Publishing House fund also took place at the UPLA San Felipe campus, as part of the actions stipulated by the fund’s bases.
Accompanied by the directors of the publishing house and the DGVM, Guido Olivares and Fabiola Vilugrón, the authors of the works arrived at the auditorium of the UPLA headquarters, where they discussed the contents of their publications in front of students of the pedagogy courses, academics and the Director of the San Felipe campus, Claudia Concha Erices.

Regarding the activity, the authority of the university headquarters in the Aconcagua Valley highlighted that “the importance is the socialization of the call of the Puntángeles Publishing House by the authorities and the authors of the books.”
In this regard, Claudia Concha emphasized that “for the campus community, these actions have an impact, since they invite and motivate participation in future calls.”

(Esteban Moreno Torres, journalist, Directorate General of Media Relations)

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