Home » News » Four Injured in Retirement Home Fire in Offenbach: Updates, Rescue Efforts, and Investigation Initiated

Four Injured in Retirement Home Fire in Offenbach: Updates, Rescue Efforts, and Investigation Initiated

Offenbach (dpa/lhe) – Four people were injured in a fire in a retirement and nursing home in Offenbach. As a police spokesman said on Wednesday, an apartment on the second floor of the home was on fire when the emergency services arrived on Tuesday evening. The approximately 30 residents of the house had left the building in good time. An 87-year-old was rescued from a balcony by the fire department.

The man and a 55-year-old nurse were taken to the hospital for a medical check-up. Two other people were treated on site by rescue workers and released again. The fire was extinguished after half an hour. The damage caused is estimated at around 50,000 euros. The cause of the fire and the exact background were initially unclear. The police has started investigation.

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