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Four Homeowners Share Their Stories: Interest Rates, Foreclosures, and Negotiations

Anyone who wanted to buy a house or apartment last year had a difficult time. Prospective homebuyers can learn a lot from those who became homeowners anyway. Here four of them tell their stories – about interest rates, foreclosures, negotiations and compromises.

Martin Eder, 48, bought a 120 square meter terraced house in Bonn-Endenich for 459,000 euros. He pays 3.8 percent interest on his building financing.

We weren’t actually actively looking for a property. We had an 87 square meter condo with enough space for two children, my wife and me. One day while walking we spotted a banner advertising a house in the immediate neighborhood for sale. My wife was curious, I was skeptical. After all, we had just come out of our second parental leave and now had to organize work and family life. I longed for normality. When the banner was still hanging there a few weeks later, I dialed the number provided without any great expectations and had the exposé sent to me. That was in autumn 2022. The owner, we then found out, had last lived in the house alone, moved into a nursing home in 2022 and had asked a friend to take care of the sale. There had already been interested parties, the agent said at the viewing appointment, but the price expectations were too far apart. That’s how we got our move.

2024-01-08 05:09:54
#Real #estate #market #Ten #years #amount #sounded #villa

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