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four dead and 28 new cases of coronavirus in Mar del Plata «Diario La Capital de Mar del Plata

Mar del Plata had a black Thursday: They recorded four deaths from coronavirus, the record in a single day since the pandemic began, and the total number of deaths reached nine.

In addition, the Argentine Integrated Health Information System (SISA) confirmed tonight that 28 new infections occurred, bringing the total number of active cases to 252.

It was also reported that a patient who was being treated for coronavirus, is recovered and was discharged by laboratory criteria. This is a 28-year-old man, a hospital security worker, who remained in home isolation.

In this way, since the beginning of the pandemic there were 307 cases of which 252 are active, 46 recovered and nine died.

As for the victims, they are two elderly women of 101, 94 and 89 years and a man of 65 who were hospitalized in a delicate state. The women resided in the Namasté nursing home, one of the three outbreaks of Covid-19 that were generated this month and multiplied infections in the city.

In this way, there are already four fatal victims linked to that nursing home: on Monday, another 92-year-old woman died at the HPC.

The 101-year-old woman had “very fragile prior health,” the Private Community Hospital (HPC) reported in a statement. The man had “severe prior comorbidity” and the 89-year-old woman also had “a very fragile previous state of health.” The fourth fatality was a 94-year-old woman who was admitted to the Interzonal Hospital de Agudos.

The first coronavirus death in Mar del Plata was recorded on March 24, when José Bensadón died (71), and the second occurred four days later, when Gustavo Borelli died (51). They had both arrived from Spain.
The third victim occurred more than two months later: it was on June 1 and her name was Olga Lucero, 88 years old. Meanwhile, on June 7, Gonzalo Céspedes (85) died, who was hospitalized in the Spanish Hospital.

The fifth fatality occurred on Monday, when Dolores Dominga Cappiello (92), an elderly woman who had been transferred in serious condition from the geriatric Namasté died at the Private Community Hospital.
Yesterday at noon, after the expansion of the municipal part on Wednesday and before the contagions were published last night, 12 active cases remained in the Private Community Hospital, of which 10 were from the nursing home, a personal health patient from another institution in the city and one from Batán.

“As we have expressed on previous occasions, we have had an isolated area for the care of positive patients since the start of the pandemic, which provides security for the care of them, our collaborators and the other patients who consult us for other health problems, ”the hospital said in a statement with the signature of its director, Pablo Malfante.

“We remind all citizens of the importance of continuing to adequately comply with the protection measures known by all to try to mitigate this escalation of cases and continue to take care of ourselves to better overcome this pandemic situation that we have had to live through,” he added.

Outbreaks deepen

The municipality yesterday expanded the official part of Wednesday and specified that of the 38 positive cases of coronavirus that were reported that day, 14 correspond to the Houssay Hospital, 13 to the clandestine fishing company, nine are related to the Namasté geriatric and there are two under investigation. epidemiological.

Of the 14 infections in the hospital that depends on PAMI, seven are close contacts of confirmed cases, three are health workers and four are patients of the institution, said the director of SAME, Juan Di Mateo.
With regard to the nine positives of the nursing home, two are close contacts of other cases, one is a health worker and six are elderly residents of the place.

In addition, 13 close contacts of confirmed cases of coronaviruses belonging to the illegal fishing company whose headquarters – closed by the municipality – are located in Alejandro Korn at 3000 were confirmed.

Finally, with the two new cases on which the epidemiological link is being investigated, the total number of positives without a clear contagion link reaches eight in the last week.

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