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Four communes were authorized to borrow in pesos: what will they use the funds for

The municipalities of City, San Carlos, Tunuyán and General Alvear they were authorized by the provincial government to contract loans with the Banco de la Nación Argentina (BNA) for the “acquisition of capital goods of national origin – wheeled vehicles and road machinery”.

In addition, the capital commune received authorization for a loan of $ 240 million with Banco Supervielle whose destination will be “to solve part of the expenses authorized for investment in the current Municipal Budget 2021”.

Through decree 1.898 of the Ministry of Finance, the provincial government gave the OK to the government of Ulpiano Suarez to borrow from both entities for a total of $ 290 million.

In the case of the Supervielle loan, a term of 72 months was established, with a 12-month grace period. The payment of interest plus capital will be semi-annually, under the French amortization system. The guarantee is “the own collection that is credited daily in the accounts of the Municipality located in the Bank or the transfer of provincial co-participation funds.”

While the conditions of the agreement with the BNA, for up to $ 50 million, determine five partial disbursements, with a term of 60 months. In this case, the amortization system is German and the guarantee is the resources corresponding to the partnership.

With some peculiarities and differences, the municipalities of San Carlos, Tunuyán and General Alvear also accessed loans from the BNA. The first will receive two credits for a total of $ 51 million: $ 19 million for the acquisition of capital goods of national origin and the remaining $ 32 million for infrastructure works.

The other two communes were authorized to take out loans of $ 50 million each. In all cases, the guarantee is the tax sharing.

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