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Four Benefits of Pomegranate for Health

SEMARANG (SUARABARU.ID)- Fruit that has a Latin name Punica granatum This is one type of fruit that belongs to the berry group.

Pomegranate contains various kinds of nutrients needed by the body, such as carbohydrates, vitamins, protein, fiber and also vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin B complex, vitamin K and folic acid.

Pomegranate also contains minerals, such as magnesium, potassium, copper and copper. Early fruit is also rich in polyphenol antioxidants, one of which is cantocyanin.

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Reporting from Suara.com, but not only that, pomegranate is also believed to have low calorie and fat content, so it is still safe if you consume it every day.

Launching from Alodokter, here are 4 benefits of pomegranate that you should not miss:

1. Prevent cancer

It turns out that pomegranate can help to resist the onset of cancer, such as skin cancer, prostate, lung cancer and breast cancer.

This is due to the presence of antioxidants in pomegranates which are able to fight free radicals and can help to repair and ward off DNA damage that can cause cancer cells.

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2. Reducing the risk of arthritis

If you are suffering from arthritis, there is nothing wrong if you try to eat this fruit. Pomegranate has an anti-inflammatory effect, so it can help in overcoming inflammation in the joints. Pomegranate extract also contains compounds that can help fight joint damage.

3. Prevent heart disease

It turns out that pomegranates are also beneficial for heart health, you know, because this cute fruit can help control blood pressure and help prevent the formation of blockages that occur in blood vessels. Thus, it improves blood flow to and from the heart.

4. Reduce bad cholesterol

The presence of antioxidants in pomegranate is believed to help reduce cholesterol levels in the body. Some studies also mention that cholesterol levels in the blood can be reduced through fiber and antioxidants contained in fruits and vegetables.

Those were some of the benefits that you can get by eating pomegranate, it’s a shame if you missed it, hopefully it’s useful.


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