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Foundry Delocalization, Buccino Raises His Voice

«At “social peace” a Salerno? Evidently the consequences for the environment are of little importance Whelk and neighboring countries“. This is the strong position taken by the mayor of the centre of the Sele Valley, Pasquale Fredafollowing the latest developments in the affair of the Pisano Foundries: the acceleration to start the process of relocation from Fratte, in fact, has been opposed in the center of the province for some time. And now, the mayor has also intervened to point the finger at the president of the Environment Commission, Arturo Iannelliwhich has long been active in trying to resolve the Fonderie dispute, and which has spoken of relocation to Buccino as a solution to create “social peace” in the capital.

Words harshly contested by Freda: «I would like to point out that my country today is not subject to party logic, as it was in the past, but only to the will of the local population. No one will ever come from above, or from far away, and tell me what to do. Relocation would displease few people, therefore few voters, while it would satisfy the requests of many who live in the provincial capital. But I don’t care about all this: I have the moral and legal duty to defend my territory from any abuse». Freda then also opens another question: «I hear about “new and safer factory”. Well, then why don’t they adapt the existing plant there in Salerno? Why don’t they build it in the industrial area of ​​Salerno? Politics are not made on the skin and health of the people».

#Foundry #Delocalization #Buccino #Raises #Voice
– 2024-09-02 05:55:25

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