Eastern Belitung –
A fisherman named Sobri found 3 spots helicopter in waters between Buku Limau Island and Manggar, East Belitung Regency, Bangka Belitung (Babel). The seat is blue with the writing Air Police.
“I have received information that around 14.00 WIB it was confirmed that 3 helicopter posts were found by fishermen on behalf of Sobri, estimated 3Nm from Manggar Port,” said the head of Pangkalpinang Search and Rescue Bureau. , Imade Oka Astawa SH, M. SI in a written statement received detikSumatraMonday (11/28/2022).
Posts are now being evacuated at Manggar Post. The seat has the shape of a rectangular cushion.
“There was some visible debris, but only 3 places were filled,” Imade said.
After receiving information that the fishermen had found the chairs, 2 vessels of the SAR team carrying out the search moved around 21.50 WIB to the place where the chairs were found.
“After checking the location where the posts were found and the results were zero, 2 vessels of the Joint SAR Team docked at Manggar Pier to proceed tomorrow at 06.00 WIB for a search,” he concluded.
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