Home » today » Health » FOSFOTAL® Launch


  • This is a Innovative biofertilizer, designed to optimize phosphate fertilization in rice and corn crops, benefiting both farmers and the environment.
  • The launch will take place at AGROSAVIA’s Turipaná Research Center, located in the department of Córdoba.

Cereté, Córdoba. August 21, 2024 – The Colombian agricultural research corporation, AGROSAVIA, seeks to offer a solution that not only increases agricultural productivity, but also contributes significantly to environmental sustainability. This new bioproduct is designed to maximize crop yields while reducing dependence on traditional chemical synthesis fertilizers, thus generating benefits for both farmers, who can optimize their resources, and for the environment, by reducing the negative impacts associated with the misuse of chemical synthesis products in agriculture.

Phosphotal® It has as its active ingredient the native strain Rhizobium pusense (B02). This biofertilizer is an ideal complement to synthetic phosphorus fertilization, allowing soluble fertilization to be reduced by up to 50 % in the crops mentioned, without compromising productivity, following a conventional fertilization scheme that guarantees the supply of other essential nutrients.

The bioproduct is compatible with the main active ingredients of fertilizers and pesticides used in corn and rice crops, which facilitates its integration into integrated management programs. In addition, depending on the region and crop management, Fosfotal® can increase corn production by up to 6,25 % and rice even in a 7 %.

For German Estrada, Ph.D. Associate Researcher at AGROSAVIA, “the introduction of Fosfotal® “Fosfotal represents a significant advance for sustainable agriculture in Colombia. This biofertilizer not only helps reduce dependence on traditional chemically synthesized fertilizers, but also optimizes the performance of key crops such as corn and rice. By integrating Fosfotal into our production systems, we are not only improving agricultural productivity, but we are also optimizing the use of valuable resources such as fertilizers and minimizing the potential negative effect of their excessive use. It is a step forward towards more responsible and efficient agriculture, which benefits both farmers and soil health.”

The use of Fosfotal® has the potential to mitigate negative environmental impacts associated with the excess of chemically synthesized fertilizers, promoting the production of healthier, safer and more secure foods. In addition, its adoption can contribute to reducing costs for farmers, especially in a context of devaluation of the Colombian peso against the dollar, which affects the purchasing power of soluble fertilizers in international markets.

Fosfotal® is presented as a concentrated suspension, available in 2-litre polyethylene bags. The recommended dose is 1 litre per hectare, distributed in two applications depending on the phenological state of the crop. For each application, it is necessary to prepare a premix with 150-200 litres of water.

It is a bioproduct that acts through multiple metabolic activities that include the solubilization of phosphorus, promoting greater root growth and development in plants. This translates into greater nutrient absorption, while increasing the availability of phosphorus for plants.

In addition to rice and corn cultivation, Fosfotal® It is effective on a variety of crops including oats, barley, millet, wheat, quinoa, amaranth and sorghum.

With Fosfotal®, AGROSAVIA reaffirms its commitment to innovation and the development of sustainable solutions for the Colombian agricultural sector.

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