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Forza Italia, the temptation of Pier Silvio and Confalonieri’s Roman meetings in search of “fresh and smart” faces

Roma —For some time now it has been possible to see on Thursday evenings Faithful Confalonieri on the Frecciarossa Rome-Milan train. The trusted Fininvest manager of the Berlusconi family, the only one the children of the founder of the empire trust, often visits the Capital lately and meets especially politicians who revolve around the moderate world, not only Forza Italia. Marina and Pier Silvio also sent him on a scouting mission, demonstrating a renewed interest of Berlusconi’s eldest children in politics and clearly in Forza Italia. With a precise mandate: to understand directly what is moving in Parliament but above all to think about the future of the party founded by their father to renew and relaunch it, given the support not only of the five children (over 600 thousand euros paid before the European elections) but also of Mediaset men who have paid 20-30 thousand euros and who will soon appear on the lists delivered to Parliament.

In short, the political interview on Tg1 Barbara Berlusconi in memory of his father, the intervention of Marina on the subject of rights and the non-sharing of certain closures of the center-right government, are pieces of a broader plan: to directly take back the reins of the party. And here the only true face of the family that seems to want to play a role is that of Pier Silviowho confided to a long-time Forza Italia member that he wanted to talk “more about politics” after the summer break.

Tajani and Salvini never so far apart, the clash with Vespa on Orban and the Patriots allied with the League. The FI leader: “Irrelevant”

from our correspondent Davide Carlucci

Confalonieri certainly went to lunch with some former Forza Italia members who in the years of decline left the Azzurri to land in other places, from the League to Azione. Deputies, and senators, who would return to Forza Italia with a true confirmation of the family’s renewed commitment. Confalonieri told them “not to rush” and to wait for changes that will take place in the coming months in this very key. The historic Fininvest manager reiterated that the family’s idea is to recreate the climate of the eve of the party’s birth in 1994, a sort of 2.0 re-edition of Operation Botticelli: looking for new “fresh and smart” faces, Confalonieri would have said in these meetings. Knowing full well that many well-known faces could return to strengthen Parliamentary action, from Mariastella Gelmini to Enrico Costa and, why not, also Mara Carfagna, who is currently subject to a sort of veto by Tajani.

By the way: in the action of the family, and of Confalonieri, there is no no confidence in the secretary Antonio Tajaniconsidered a name that guarantees reliability and moderation and that could be a card to play for more prestigious institutional roles, is whispered in Transatlantico. But the family, via Confalonieri, wants to broaden the range of action, with issues to be carried forward with young people and new entries, acknowledging that in the North the party did not do so well in the last European elections and that in the South it is in the hands of the old vote magnets.

Elio Vito: “Forza Italia has suffocated its liberal identity, now it is chasing Marina Berlusconi for a convenient choice”

by Matteo Pucciarelli

“Don’t rush, you will see developments,” Confalonieri whispered during these very private lunches. Will one of Silvio Berlusconi’s sons or daughters enter the fray? This was the question that was circulating insistently among the blues yesterday in the Chamber, who spoke of nothing else but this renewed interest from the family and the Mediaset world.

Marina would be the most reluctant to a direct intervention of the family, but some Azzurri spoke with Pier Silvio noting “a great interest in politics, an interest that he has never had”. A first step could be that of the honorary presidency of the party to be entrusted to Berlusconi’s second son, who knows. Confalonieri also said that there will be some news.

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– 2024-07-31 12:56:27

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