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Fortunately, Turkey & Iran Are Still Patient! Otherwise, after Israel …

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia The Middle East is hot again. It has been more or less a week since the Israeli military has carried out a military attack on the Gaza Strip in the Palestinian territories.

Tel Aviv argues that the move is to paralyze the power of the Hamas group which often launches attacks on Israel. But what is called conflict, the victims are civilians who don’t know anything.

Yesterday, 42 people were killed in Israeli air raids on the Gaza Strip. This is the highest number of victims throughout the conflict in the past week.

A total of 188 people have died, including 55 children and 33 women. Meanwhile 1,230 people were injured.

WellIsrael’s military strength cannot be taken lightly. Quoting Global Fire Power, Israel is ranked 20th in terms of the strongest military in the world.

Global Fire Power describes the military strength of a country with a Strength Index (Power Index/PwrIndx). The smaller the number and even the more powerful, the value of 0.0000 is perfect strength.

The United States (US) is the strongest country in the world with PwrIndx 0.0718. Meanwhile, Israel was ranked 20th with a PwrIndx score of 0.3464.

The total population of Israel is 8,675,475 and 3,024,271 people (34.9%) of whom are considered fit enough to serve in the military. Currently, the total military personnel of the Zionist State are 634,000 people.

In the air, Israel has 241 fighter jets, number 13 out of 140 countries. Plus, as many as 48 combat helicopters, the 12th largest in the world.

On the ground, Israel has 1,650 tanks, ranking 16 in the world. Then for armored vehicles amounted to 7,500 units, the 14th most in the world. It is still equipped with 14 rocket launchers, the 32nd most in the world.

While in the marine dimension, Israel has 4 units of small warships (corvette), the 20th largest in the world, and 48 patrol boats (ranked 20th in the world) Israel also controls five submarines, the 15th most in the world.

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