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Fortresses to fight the pandemic | Health

Hanoi (VNA) – In order to limit the spread of the coronavirus, residents of many localities in the Center have realized the gravity of the situation and are applying drastic measures to protect the community.

photo">Disinfection in the district of Son Trà, town of Dà Nang (Center). Photo: CVN

During a recent meeting, Prime Minister Nguyên Xuân Phuc stressed that “every citizen is a soldier, and every house, every village, every residential area, a fortress” in the fight against the pandemic.

In response to this call, most of the inhabitants of Dà Nang and Quang Nam, in the Center, the two new outbreaks of COVID-19, rigorously respect the recommendations recommended by the local authorities.

“I do not go out”

In the district of Tho Quang, of the district of Son Trà, in the city of Dà Nang, where there is a fishing port and an industrial zone, the anti-coronavirus measures have been strengthened and have reached every family perfectly.

According to Vo Dinh Công, chairman of the Tho Quang District People’s Committee, in each residential area, a pandemic surveillance and prevention team has been established.

At the end of each street, civilian guards are permanently present to control the movements of residents of the neighborhood. They are also responsible for reminding them to give up their habits of doing their morning gymnastics in the street, to help them complete the medical declaration. They also control their body temperature.

“This team works efficiently. All of the neighborhood’s recommendations are disclosed on time and the residents respect them seriously. No one is left behind,” partage M. Cong.

According to him, when the virus reappeared and faced with the high risk of its spread in the market and the fishing port of Tho Quang, the neighborhood authorities decided to close all additional doors to the market. “A contingent ensures a permanent access to the market and controls the body temperature of those who want to enter or go to the fishing port”, informe M. Cong.

Consciousness of the inhabitants

photo">Fortresses to fight the Hinh Anh 2 pandemicChecking body temperature in a market in Dà Nang (Center). Photo: CVN

“These days my two children ask me to let them out but I refuse. I myself only go out in case of extreme necessity. My wife only goes to the market once every five days.”, says Pham Van Hai, a resident of Tho Quang neighborhood. Due to the pandemic, this man and his wife have lost their jobs and their two children cannot go to school.

Local residents, like Mr. Hai’s family, keep their outings as low as possible. The market at 112 rue Trân Cao Vân, in the district of Tam Thuân, in the district of Thanh Khê, was often crowded; now the mood is much calmer.

Here, the Tam Thuân Neighborhood People’s Committee created a mobile propaganda team, tasked with regularly reminding residents and small businesses to apply social distancing measures, wear masks and wash their hands regularly with gel. antibacterial. Nguyên Thi Binh, a resident of the neighborhood, explains that she used to go to the market at least once a day, but now she only goes once every three days.

“Although the food is not as fresh since we buy it a few days in advance, my family is supportive and encourages each other. Each family must take its responsibilities to limit the transmission of the virus”, share Mme Binh. She also specifies that each time she goes to the market, she wears a mask, disinfects her hands with gel and does not spend time chatting with people she meets.

In order to supervise the community in the prevention of COVID-19, the president of the People’s Committee of Dà Nang, Huynh Duc Tho, asks residents to complete a health declaration and actively participate in prevention and control activities. Organizations, businesses and individuals are encouraged to use online public services.

“The situation still contains many unforeseeable factors. We have not identified all the new cases and imagine that, in the community, many cases and even epidemic foci have not yet been discovered”, esteem M. Tho.

Therefore he calls “every citizen to be a soldier on the front line of the prevention of the pandemic, to strictly respect the requirements and measures of fight and to stay as much as possible at home”.

In the streets of Tam Ky town, Quang Nam province, many cafes, restaurants and shops have closed while local authorities have not yet requested the suspension of business activities. Nguyên Thi Kim Hoàng, 51, owner of a cafe in Trân Dai Nghia Street, says that upon learning of the rapid spread of COVID-19 in Dà Nang and Quang Nam, his family decided to close the establishment. “The closure of the café is necessary in order to prevent the spread of the pandemic and to protect both my family and the customers”, she says. -CVN / VNA

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