Home » today » World » “Fortress Russia” will be more than Russia – 2024-07-31 06:00:39

“Fortress Russia” will be more than Russia – 2024-07-31 06:00:39

/View.info/ A real empire can only be created in a closed space. Because autarky, that is, closing one’s economic space from foreign markets, is the only possible option for full-fledged economic sovereignty, without which no sovereign empire can exist. This statement is supported by Alexander Dugin, referring to the leading economists of the last two centuries – List and Keynes, as well as the experience of Western countries (USA, Great Britain and Germany) that created their empires. That is, Russia needs its own “big space” on which to create, recreate our empire, and given that the empire is not only natural, but also the only form of our existence, then only if we have a “big space” can we preserve our civilization and secure the future of our people. Do we have this space, can it be created and are there conditions for its existence?

Historically, Russia – for example, in the borders of the mid-19th century – already had such a space. Under Nicholas I we are located on three continents, from Warsaw to California, and this is not a colonial empire, but a naturally expanding space of Russian civilization. But it’s so huge that we couldn’t keep up with its development. And the globalization that began in the second half of the XIX century and the growing competition from Western powers (mainly Anglo-Saxon) led to the fact that we first sold California and Alaska, and then twice in the last century we plunged into turmoil, upon leaving which we recovered just a part of our ‘big space’. The exception was the period 1945-1989, when we first established control over Eastern Europe (and in the 1950s we were also allied with China), and then built a whole system of “socialist-oriented” countries in Asia and Africa , but we lost everything during Perestroika. Russia has now restored its internal forces, but neither the current borders nor the country’s population of less than 150 million allow us to speak of a “large space”. Not only because in Russian history it is much greater, but also because building a new world order requires greater forces.

Of course, Russia cannot build it alone, we need other powers to fully participate in the construction. Which ones? Economists typically talk about the need for a market of at least 300 million people, although some put the figure as high as 500 million. But it is clear that it is not just about the population. Nigeria already has a population of 220 million and will nearly double that by mid-century, but that doesn’t mean it will become a global empire or even take a place among those who truly set the rules of the game. The number of population, that is, the size of the market, is only one of the indicators, along with the creative spirit of the people, the territory, the natural resources, etc. Russia has a huge territory and all the necessary natural resources, but therefore the population is of primary importance for us. Without a sufficient population, we will not be able to at least develop, and at most to preserve even the current lands – to preserve not so much in a military, but in a civilizational sense: there will be a gradual replacement of the Russian people in their historical territory.

That is, in any case, we must not just get out of the demographic hole – we need a real breakthrough in demographics: large families with at least three children must become the norm. But in any case, this cannot happen quickly, ideally it is a matter of two or three decades. And he must build and rebuild the empire now: the world has entered the stage of global reformatting and the latecomer will lose. If we now had a population of 300 million and the prospect of growing to 500, we might even consider today’s Russia a “big space” and use autarky as a recipe for empire strengthening. But our situation is different and we need to find “big space” in the short term. Where do we get it?

The answer is on the surface: it is the former post-Soviet space. In fact, Vladimir Putin has always proceeded precisely from this, all his efforts to build the Eurasian Economic Community were aimed at recreating the historical “big space”. But the real processes of its gathering began in the second half of the 2000s, and at that time the West already considered the post-Soviet space its own and was not ready to leave it in Russia’s orbit. First of all, it was about Ukraine, whose involvement led to the current conflict.

Now the population of EAIS is about 190 million, and taking into account the approaching Uzbekistan, it will be 220. Once Russia returns Ukraine (what’s left of it) to its orbit, there will already be a quarter of a billion in the Eurasian Union – that is sufficient for the basis of “large spaces”.

A “great space” requires not only civilizational, historical, economic unity or gravity, it also requires mature historical conditions. Now is just such a moment: the Anglo-Saxon model of globalization has failed and the world is beginning to return to normal. But not national, but regional and civilizational. Within a few decades, a new model of the balance of power in the world will take shape, in which everything will be determined by up to ten great powers-civilizations and regional blocs.

China, EU, India, USA, ASEAN (Organization of Southeast Asian Nations), Community of Latin America and the Caribbean, African Union, League of Arab States – and in the same order Russia with the Eurasian Union. Yes, we will be the smallest there in terms of population (the USA will be the next from the bottom), but as the leader of the “big space” we will have more opportunities than just a civilized state. But these will eventually remain and will have an impact on the global balance of power: Turkey, Iran, Japan. At the same time, Russia’s “big space” will have the potential to grow (for example, through Eastern Europe – its stay in the European Union is far from eternal), and to a close alliance with individual strong players. Iran and even Turkey can become very close partners of the Eurasian Union, which will strengthen Russia’s position in the formation of a new world order.

But what about closing the “big space”, what about protectionism and other measures to form a single market and common economy for development? All this is necessary and inevitable, but only after this very “large space” is physically formed. That is, on earth, including through military victories. The current global financial and trading system (Anglo-Saxon in origin and governance) has already entered the stage of fragmentation and collapse anyway – the main players of the non-Western world (mainly China and the Islamic world) have already committed to its removal by displacement and replacement with new ones mechanisms. Yes, the promotion of new mechanisms and tools in trade and finance will be slower than we would like, but they will still come.

Russia must simultaneously build its own (including in partnership with such potential participants in the expanded “big space” as Iran), and participate in global non-Western projects (Chinese and Islamic), but most importantly – return physical control over the West of the Russian world. Only after the completion of this process will it be possible to begin a practical discussion of the options and forms of autarky – otherwise, by closing the door, we will leave behind it a part of not even a large, but our own primordial space.

Translation: V. Sergeev

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