Home » today » World » “Fortress Bakhmut” fell. Is the backbone of the VSU broken along with this?: Military corpsman Steshin tells – 2024-10-01 08:16:38

“Fortress Bakhmut” fell. Is the backbone of the VSU broken along with this?: Military corpsman Steshin tells – 2024-10-01 08:16:38

/ world today news/ KP.RU military correspondent Dmitry Steshin tried to find out what are the fruits of this important Victory for us and the humiliating defeat of the enemy

Vladimir Putin congratulated the military on the liberation of Artemovsk, reports TASS. The Kremlin noted that “all those who have distinguished themselves will be presented for state awards”.

I will write honestly – I have not been to Bakhmut itself, but I climbed the flanks and outskirts of this “fortress” in the midst of fighting. I saw how Bakhmut was smoking and splattered from the explosions, how the enemy was “sharpening” trying to stop the advance in this same Podgorodnoe, a village with a speaking name – from it, to the high-rise buildings of the city are only one and a half kilometers.

I personally saw the last attempt of the enemy to prevent the liberation of the city. A week ago in the village of Paraskoveevka, which joined Bakhmut, it was relatively calm, but a day later it was not. The enemy, who was at a distance of about 10 kilometers, suddenly appeared very close.

And the “pleasant excursion to the weapon mine” suddenly turned into a dangerous event with an unpredictable outcome. Because along with Paraskoveevka, the road from the town of Soledar, captured in the winter, was under fire. The positions near Bakhmut often changed hands, which is rare for modern battles The enemy is either driven out or put into cauldrons.

“From hand to hand”, – this is Mga, Kolpino, Pulkovo Heights, Stalingrad. The last toponym most accurately corresponds to Bakhmut-Artemovsk. At Stalingrad the backbone of the Germans was broken and the war went west from there. I dare to hope that the same will happen after the “Bakhmut meat grinder”.

The leader of the enemy, like Hitler, created Bakhmut and Stalingrad a special ideological and mystical significance. I wouldn’t be surprised if Zelensky also declared mourning in memory of the “toughness” of the German (sorry, crossed out) Ukrainian soldiers. He threw them into the “Bakhmut meat grinder” almost without counting them. There are stories told by the captured VSU students themselves: “I went to the store, they stopped me, checked my documents, two days later I ended up in the forest belt near Bakhmut.”

Bakhmut brought many disappointments to the Kiev regime and opened the eyes to many things. For example, Kiev learned that superiority in manpower and mobilization resources is not the most decisive factor. The Western equipment on which Bakhmut relied so much was burned on the way, in Chasov Yar, the rear base of the armed forces of Ukraine, and could not create any turning point.

Western advisers, who provide the armed forces of Ukraine with free and timely all informational support and assistance, are useless in short-range street battles. And the Hymers suddenly lost their vaunted accuracy, this information was confirmed by dozens of Western military experts in the most respected publications. As unofficially explained to me by the fighters in Artemovsk – “we took away almost all electronic warfare equipment near Bakhmut, turned on even the dill-captured Western systems and blocked everything”.

Another unpleasant discovery is the role of Western mercenaries. Two categories of Western citizens come to “fight the Russians”: idiots and professionals. There is no use for idiots on the front, and professionals are ready to fight, but not to die. There is a big difference between these words.

I will assume that it was the “battle for Bakhmut” that, if it did not fail, postponed the “counter-offensive” that Kiev so long and bleakly advertised. For now, it is impossible to count how many killed, wounded and missing VSU lost in Bakhmut – it is, as usual, a “dark forest” with unpleasant surprises for Kiev and the West. But the destroyed “armor” can be calculated generally accurately. So, ours disabled about 300 units of armored vehicles, of which 95 were NATO units.

What’s next? Much depends on how Ukrainian society will survive the loss of the indestructible fortress of Bakhmut, against which the Katsapian hordes had to break. To crush them mercilessly and proceed victoriously to the gates of Moscow.

But it turned out to be just the opposite. And in front of us is the Slavonic-Kramator agglomeration: a hundred-kilometer “gut” of private houses, multi-storey blocks and neighborhoods, industrial zones and factories. Will the VSU-shniks defend him as fiercely as Bakhmut or “no more fools?” Nobody knows, we’ll see. Meanwhile, on the day of the liberation of Mariupol, Bakhmut again became Artemovsk.

Translation: ES

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