Home » News » Forsa Survey: Union Support Under 30, Left at 6%, FDP Loses Ground

Forsa Survey: Union Support Under 30, Left at 6%, FDP Loses Ground

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  1. 11 Dinge zur Bundestagswahl, die⁤ Du wissen‌ musst

‍- Je mehr Zweitstimmen ⁣eine Partei bekommt, desto mehr Sitze erhält sie im Bundestag. Die zweitstimme⁣ ist also entscheidend für die Machtverhältnisse im Parlament.
– Zur Wahl 2025 treten 29‌ Parteien in den ⁣Bundesländern mit Landlisten an. Aber: Nicht alle Parteien treten in allen Bundesländern an.

  1. The 2025 Bundestag Election adn⁢ Its Consequences

⁤ – 2024 turned out to be one of the most dramatic years in German ‍politics ⁤for several decades.After years of policy and budgetary‌ tensions, internal​ machinations, and record-low‌ public approval, the ⁣traffic light coalition of SPD, Greens,⁢ and⁣ FDP led⁢ by Chancellor Olaf Scholz fell apart in ​early November 2024.

  1. 2025 Bundestag elections

-⁢ The German Bundestag is elected every four years by ⁣free, secret, and direct ballot ‍by citizens aged⁢ 18 ‌and over who are eligible to vote.
– Before the Bundestag election, there are ​onyl⁢ slight shifts between the parties. A politically conceivable majority in the Bundestag currently only have black-red and black-green. The left is particularly successful in young people.
-⁣ The hot phase of the election campaign has reached voters: 70 percent⁤ of Germans call the Bundestag election in‌ the current‌ RTL/NTV trend barometer‌ as the most important topic.⁢ The economic location (36 percent) follows in second place, then the topic of immigration ⁢and the situation in the United States (25 percent each).
-​ Though,‍ there are only slight shifts in the political mood. ⁢Though, they are notable: the left places one point in the ⁢survey ⁤raised ⁢by ‍Forsa and is ⁢thus over ⁣the five percent hurdle. and for the Union, it goes after sag‌ in the previous week again upwards.
-⁣ The ‍Greens and the‍ other parties each lose one point.The values ​​for ⁣the SPD,the AfD,the ‌FDP ⁤and⁤ the BSW ‌are unchanged. According to the current status, the⁤ liberals and the ⁢alliance Sahra‌ Wagenknecht would not be represented in the next Bundestag.
⁢ – For the Social Democrats, the 16 percent are bad news: they now have this value in the ⁢fifth week. The ‍”taboo and word fracture”…

The ‍provided text discusses political developments and survey results in ⁤Germany, focusing on ​the following ⁤key⁣ points:

  1. Voting⁤ Right Reform and Coalition Possibilities:

​ -‍ The number⁣ of seats in the German Bundestag is limited ‌to 630.- A coalition needs 316 votes (the so-called chancellor majority).
– Both the Union and the SPD (333 mandates) and the Union and ⁣Greens (319) would briefly achieve‌ this majority.
– Union‌ and afd also have a mathematical majority,but the CDU and CSU ⁢exclude cooperation with the ⁣AfD.

  1. Success of the Left:

– The success of the Left party is attributed to ​the youngest group of voters (18 to 29 years old), where 19 ⁢percent prefer the Left.
‍ – The Left, along with ‍the Greens, is in the first place among young⁣ voters.
– The‍ SPD⁤ performs‍ significantly worse among young voters compared to all age groups combined.

  1. Chancellor Preferences and Politician ‌Ranking:

– In a direct election for Chancellor, Union Chancellor Merz increases by two points.
​- Merz has lost six points in the forsa politician ‍ranking, placing him ninth.- Three ‌other Union politicians rank higher: NRW Prime​ Minister Hendrik Wüst (2nd place), Schleswig-Holstein‍ Prime Minister Daniel Günther (3rd place), and Bavaria’s Prime Minister Markus Söder (4th place).

  1. Explanation​ for Trends:

– The⁢ discrepancy between the chancellor’s question and the politician ranking is explained by the different time frames of the surveys. The politician ranking was last conducted‌ three months⁣ ago.

The text includes embedded visualizations (likely charts or graphs) from datawrapper, which are not displayed here but are referenced to provide a visual portrayal of the survey results.

The ⁤Political Landscape of Germany: Insights from the⁢ Latest RTL/NTV Trend‌ Barometer

In the ever-evolving political landscape of ⁣Germany, the ⁢latest RTL/NTV trend Barometer offers a interesting glimpse into the ‍public’s perception of political⁤ competence and trust. Conducted by the renowned​ Forsa market and‌ opinion‌ research institute, the survey provides a snapshot⁤ of German voters’ sentiments ​as of February 2023.

Political Competence: A Shifting ⁢Landscape

When it comes to political competence, the union remains ⁣steady. Notably, 10 percent of voters believe the Alternative⁤ for Germany (AfD) is best ⁤equipped to address Germany’s ⁢challenges, marking a one-point decline. Conversely, the Social Democratic ‍Party (SPD) sees a one-point​ increase, ⁤standing at ⁤9 percent.​ The Greens also hold their ground with 8 percent. These figures underscore the fluid nature of​ political trust among German voters.

Trust in Political Parties: A Declining trend

A ‌significant 52 percent of Germans express a lack of trust in any political‍ party to effectively solve the country’s problems.This sentiment highlights‍ a growing disillusionment with the political establishment, reflecting broader concerns about governance and policy effectiveness.

Methodology and Data Collection

The data for the RTL/NTV trend barometer was⁤ meticulously gathered by Forsa​ between February 4th and ⁤February 10th. The ​survey included a robust sample size of 2502 respondents, ensuring statistical reliability with a ⁤margin of error of plus/minus⁢ 2.5 percentage points. For the question ​of political competence, the‍ sample ⁤size was 1005 respondents, with a statistical fault tolerance of plus/minus 3 percentage points.

Key Insights: A Table Summary

To better understand ​the dynamics at play, let’s summarize the​ key‍ points in a table:

| Party | Political ⁤Competence (%) | Trust to Solve⁤ Problems ‌(%) |
| Union ⁤ | Unchanged ⁢ ​|​ 52 ​ ⁤ |
| AfD ‌ | 10 ‍ ⁣ ⁢ | 10 ‍ ⁤ ⁤ ⁣ |
| SPD ⁣ ‌ ⁤ | 9 ⁢| 9 ‌ ‌ ‌ ​ |
| Greens | 8‌ ‍ ‍‍ ⁣⁢ ​ ⁢ ‌ | 8 ‍ ⁢ ‌ ‌ ‌ |

Engaging‌ with the Data

The insights⁤ from the ⁤RTL/NTV Trend Barometer are ‍not just numbers; ⁢they are a reflection of the ‍German electorate’s pulse. As voters, our engagement with these findings can‍ drive informed discussions and ​actions. For more⁢ detailed facts on Forsa’s methodologies, ‌visit their official website. Additionally, you can explore more surveys ⁢conducted by Forsa ⁢on behalf of RTL Germany here.


The political landscape​ of Germany is a dynamic tapestry, woven with ⁤the threads of‌ voter trust and competence. As we‍ navigate this complex terrain,the insights from the RTL/NTV Trend Barometer serve as⁣ a compass,guiding ‌us through⁤ the shifting sands of public opinion. By staying engaged and informed, we can actively participate in shaping the future of our political discourse.

Call to ​Action: Engage with the data, explore the links provided, and share your thoughts ⁣on the political landscape ‍of Germany.Your voice matters in⁤ shaping the future of our democracy.

The Political ​Landscape of Germany: ‌Insights⁣ from the Latest RTL/NTV Trend Barometer

In the ever-evolving political landscape​ of ‌Germany, ‌the latest‍ RTL/NTV trend ⁢Barometer offers an captivating glimpse into the public’s perception of political ‍competence and‍ trust. Conducted by the renowned ‌Forsa market and opinion research institute, ​the survey provides ⁢a snapshot of German voters’ sentiments as of February 2023.

Political Competence: A Shifting Landscape

When ‌it comes to political competence, the union remains steady. Notably,10 percent of voters believe the ⁤Alternative for Germany (AfD)‍ is best equipped to address ‍Germany’s challenges,marking a one-point decline. Conversely, the Social Democratic Party (SPD) sees a one-point increase, standing at ‌9 percent. the Greens also hold ⁤their ground with 8 percent. These figures underscore the fluid nature of political trust among German‍ voters.

Trust in Political Parties: A Declining Trend

A‍ meaningful 52 percent of Germans express ‍a lack of trust ⁢in any political party ⁣to effectively solve the country’s problems.⁣ This sentiment highlights ⁤a growing disillusionment with the political establishment, reflecting broader concerns ⁤about ‍governance and policy effectiveness.

Methodology ⁢and Data Collection

The data for the RTL/NTV trend barometer ⁤was meticulously gathered by Forsa between February 4th and February 10th. The survey included ⁣a robust sample⁤ size of 2502 respondents, ensuring statistical reliability with a margin ‌of error of plus/minus 2.5 percentage points. For the question of political⁢ competence, the sample ⁣size was 1005 respondents, with ⁤a statistical‍ fault tolerance of plus/minus 3 percentage points.

Key Insights: A Table Summary

To better understand the dynamics at play,⁤ let’s summarize the key points in a table:

Party Political Competence ⁢(%) trust to Solve Problems (%)
Union Unchanged 52
AfD 10 10
SPD 9 9
Greens 8 8

Engaging with the Data

The insights from the RTL/NTV Trend Barometer are not just numbers; they are‌ a reflection of the German electorate’s pulse. As voters, our engagement with these findings can drive informed ​discussions and actions.​ For ⁢more detailed facts on​ forsa’s methodologies, visit their [official website](https://forsa.de/methoden/). Additionally,you can explore more surveys conducted⁢ by Forsa on behalf of RTL Germany [here](https://media.rtl.com/news/allemarken/newsarchiv/?item_type=meldung&startdate=&enddate=&lang=&suchText=&marken=&interest=9#).


The political landscape⁣ of Germany is a dynamic tapestry, woven with the threads of voter trust and competence. As we navigate this complex terrain, ​the insights​ from the RTL/NTV Trend Barometer‌ serve as a compass, guiding us ‍through the shifting sands of public ⁢opinion. By staying engaged and informed, we can actively participate in shaping ⁤the ‍future of our political discourse.

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