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“Formula Milk vs UHT: Which Has Higher Sugar Content for Children”


Pearl Princess |

Tuesday, 09 May 2023 22:30 WIB


Formula milk and Ultra High Temperature (UHT) are alternatives that can be given to children to meet their daily nutritional needs. However, which one has the higher sugar content?

Formula milk is milk that is usually given to children aged 1 to 3 years, Mother. Formula milk is generally fortified so that the adequacy of vitamins and minerals is in accordance with what children need.

Unlike formula milk, UHT milk is cow’s milk that is processed but does not go through a fortification process.

Sugar content in sulfur and UHT

Pediatrician, dr. Dian Sulistya Ekaputri, Sp.A, explained that formula milk and UHT milk have different sugar content, depending on the type of milk and the brand.

Generally, formula milk contains sugar in the form of lactose or natural sugar found in milk. Meanwhile, UHT milk usually does not have added sugar, unless it is added in the form of artificial sweeteners.

“Formula milk usually contains sugar in the form of lactose, which is a natural sugar found in milk. However, some brands of formula milk can add additional sugar in the form of corn syrup or granulated sugar. The content of this additional sugar usually depends on the brand and type of formula milk. used,” he said Hai Bunda some time ago.

“Meanwhile, UHT milk usually does not have added sugar, unless it is added in the form of artificial flavoring or sweeteners. However, some brands of UHT milk may add small amounts of added sugar as part of the processing process,” continued dr. Diana.

The amount of sugar the child needs

Doctor Dian said the trend of consuming sugar by children made the American Heart Association recommend the amount of sugar needed by children. Here’s the review:

  • Children over the age of 2 should consume no more than 6 teaspoons (25 grams) of added sugar each day.
  • Children should not drink more than one sugary drink measuring 240 ml (8 oz) per week.
  • Children under 2 years of age should avoid consuming added sugars, as they need nutrient-rich foods and are developing taste preferences.

So what are the signs of excess sugar in children? Read more on the next page, OK?

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See another video about the impact of giving formula milk to the following children:


2023-05-09 15:30:00
#Higher #Sugar #UHT #Milk #Formula #Milk

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