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Former works council member to get money without work by 2030 – news

3,600 euros per month without working for it: An ex works council member is released by Telekom, but continues to be paid until the pension.

Silvia B., the former deputy chairwoman of the union of postal and telecommunications staff, is to receive an estimated monthly fee of 3600 euros from A1 Telekom Austria by February 2030, without having to work for it, according to the news magazine “profil”.

For the Social Democratic Trade Unionists (FSG) group, Silvia B. was a member of the central committee of A1 Telekom Austria for many years and was even a member of the supervisory board of the Telekom Austria Group holding company from 2012 to 2018. In the personnel representative elections in autumn 2019, she missed a mandate. “Instead of assigning her a job in the company, Telekom board members Marcus Grausam and Sonja Wallner agreed with Bauer in December 2019 on a generous arrangement,” said “profil”.

Paid leave to the pension

Accordingly, the former personnel representative will remain employed at Telekom Austria until she retires in 2030, but will be released from service in the long term. Part of the “profil” agreement is a voluntary severance payment in the amount of 24 monthly fees, which, at Bauer’s request, has been paid monthly in advance since the beginning of 2020 with the current fee.

Why the Telekom board of directors granted such a generous regulation remained unanswered to “profil” demand. According to a Telekom spokesman, “no information is given on” individual data on employees for data protection reasons “.

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