Home » today » Sport » Former W52-FC Porto Deputy Director José Rodrigues Suspended for 25 Years by ADoP for Possession of Prohibited Substances

Former W52-FC Porto Deputy Director José Rodrigues Suspended for 25 Years by ADoP for Possession of Prohibited Substances

José Rodrigues, former deputy director and masseur of the defunct W52-FC Porto, has now been suspended for a period of 25 years by the Anti-Doping Authority of Portugal (ADoP) for possession of a prohibited substance and method following the «Prova Limpa» process.

According to the ADoP list of disciplinary sanctions, updated this Friday, José Rodrigues will serve a sanction between September 7, 2022 and September 6, 2047, for «possession of betamethasone, ephedrine, methamphetamine, phenethylline, human growth, IGF, EPO, amphetamine, corticotropin, hydrocortisone and glucocorticoids».

The former deputy of Nuno Ribeiro at the defunct W52-FC Porto, is one of the 26 defendants accused by the Public Ministry (MP) of trafficking in prohibited substances and methods, within the scope of the operation «Prova Limpa», also answering for the crime of administering prohibited substance and methods.

According to the indictment, to which the Lusa agency had access, Nuno Ribeiro and his deputy, José Rodrigues, «with the knowledge and consent» of Adriano Quintanilha, the owner of the team, and general director Hugo Veloso, «would acquire, delivered and decided that their cyclists would have to administer” substances “which appear on the list of prohibited substances and methods in force”.

For the DIAP of Porto, «Adriano Sousa, Hugo Veloso and Nuno Ribeiro always acted in conjunction of efforts and intentions through a plan elaborated by them, of professional hierarchical dependence that the cyclists who made up the […] W52-FC Porto had determined to consume illicit substances and to use methods that they knew were prohibited», which they did with the aim of «obtaining property and non-property advantages for the team».

The three, as well as José Rodrigues, «serious abuse of their profession, violating the duties of acting in favor of the sporting development of the modality and cyclists and sporting truth, encouraging and promoting the doping of sports practitioners».

Rodrigues is the most recent of those involved in the «Prova Limpa» process to be punished by ADoP, which on May 2 had suspended Joni Brandão, three times runner-up in the Tour of Portugal, for six years.

Brandão was the last of the former W52-FC Porto cyclists to be punished by the ADoP, three weeks after the entity aggravated by seven years the suspension of Ricardo Vilela, who was already serving a three-year sanction, for passport anomalies biological, and having suspended José Gonçalves for four years, for «possession of a prohibited substance», in the somatropin case.

2023-06-30 09:59:57
#Cycling #deputy #director #W52FC #Porto #suspended

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