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Former US President Donald Trump to Appear Before Criminal Justice in Case of Fraud

Donald Trump soon before American justice. The former tenant of the White House arrived on Monday April 3 at the Trump Tower, his famous New York hotel where he will stay before his appearance before criminal justice in a case of fraud linked to a payment of money to a porn star, a historic legal fact for a former President of the United States.

The questioning by justice of Donald Trump is all the more extraordinary since the 76-year-old Republican billionaire, who left the White House in noise and fury in January 2021, has relaunched himself in the race for the Republican nomination to win back the US presidency in November 2024.

From his posh residence in Mar-a-Lago, Palm Beach, Florida, which he left in a long car convoy, supported on the road to the airport by a few sympathizers – “It’s an insult (…) . Donald Trump is strong and will be our next president”, launched two of them – the 45e President of the United States (2017-2021) has prepared for the “battle” of New York according to his lawyers.

Filmed by televisions from helicopters, the Boeing 757 bearing the name of Trump landed around 7:25 p.m. GMT at LaGuardia Airport, then the car convoy darkened towards the mythical Fifth Avenue in Manhattan. There stands the Trump Tower, where the businessman will stay 36 hours, under high security, even if only a handful of pro and anti-Trump demonstrators parade there.

“Tuesday morning, believe it or not, I will go to court. America was not supposed to be like that”, had launched Sunday evening on his network Truth Social the one who, indicted on March 30 by the prosecutor of Manhattan Alvin Bragg, proclaims his innocence, shouts “witch hunt” and has rallied his supporters and Republican tenors to close ranks.

Fingerprint record

Tuesday “is the day, in my opinion, when the rule of law is dead in the United States,” the billionaire’s lawyer, Joseph Tacopina, judged on television on Sunday.

The real estate magnate, born in New York and where he prospered thanks to his fortune and his empire, must be served on Tuesday from 2:15 p.m. (6:15 p.m. GMT) of criminal proceedings: they have not been made public but are said to be 30 in number and revolve around the accounting concealment of the reimbursement of a payment of 130,000 dollars at the end of 2016 to porn actress Stormy Daniels.

>> To read on France 24.com: Attorney Alvin Bragg vs Donald Trump, the clash of two Americas

This summons, with an unprecedented ritual for a former head of state, should see Donald Trump decline his name, age, profession, submit to a fingerprinting and be photographed, as all warned.

According to Joseph Tacopina, he will not be handcuffed but may have to cross the halls of the Manhattan courthouse, in the presence of the media, in an inevitably indescribable mess.

His security will be provided by the Secret Service, the elite police that protects senior American dignitaries.


Before the judge, “the president will plead not guilty” because “there is no criminal offense” according to his defense. Donald Trump should then be released, possibly under conditions, pending the organization of his trial.

Surprised and destabilized to be prosecuted in his hometown acquired by the Democrats, the businessman had written on Friday on Truth Social that he would not benefit from a “fair trial in New York”.

In this district of the courthouse, in the south of Manhattan, under very high security and while the police declared themselves “on alert” since Friday, supporters including the elected Republican of the far right Marjorie Taylor Greene, have planned to demonstrate.

More New York Mayor Eric Adamsa former police officer, warned potential “troublemakers” on Monday, urging them to “control themselves”.

Donald Trump who, with his supporters, has accused Joe Biden for two and a half years of having “cheated” and having “stolen” the presidential victory of November 2020, has planned to speak on Tuesday evening at 8:15 p.m. (00 a.m. 15 GMT Wednesday) back home in Florida.

Monday, the surroundings of the Trump Tower of the mythical 5e Manhattan Avenue, where Donald Trump resides, were under tight security.

Other legal threats for Trump

The case that comes back to torment Donald Trump dates back to October 2016, just before his surprise election at the head of the first world power.

His personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, who turned against him, had at the time paid 130,000 dollars to the actress of pornographic films Stormy Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, to buy her silence. The porn star assures that she had a sexual relationship with Donald Trump, married to Melania. What the interested party denies.

The magnate admitted that he had reimbursed Michael Cohen, but assures that the transaction was not illegal.

If the agreement made with Stormy Daniels was indeed authorized, it could however correspond to a campaign expense. However, the sum does not appear in the candidate’s accounts and has, on the contrary, been entered as “legal fees” in his company’s documents.

The “Stormy Daniels” investigation, which began in New York in 2018, is just one of many threatening Donald Trump.

Federal justice has opened investigations into his role in the attack on the Capitol, on January 6, 2021, and on his management of the presidential archives after his departure from the White House. A Georgia state prosecutor is also interested in the pressure exerted on electoral officials to challenge her defeat in the 2020 presidential election.

In the meantime, his supporters want to believe that his impeachment will only solidify his candidacy in 2024, reinforcing their sense of a “conspiracy” against him.

With AFP

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