Home » today » Technology » Former TV 2 Journalist Thea Olsen Joins Handelsbanken as Consumer Economist for Norwegian Private Customers

Former TV 2 Journalist Thea Olsen Joins Handelsbanken as Consumer Economist for Norwegian Private Customers

Former TV 2 journalist Thea Olsen has for the past 2.5 years worked as a consumer economist at Danske Bank, which announced earlier this summer that they are closing down their private customer operations in Norway. Olsen is now reporting a transfer to Handelsbanken, and will be given responsibility for sharing financial knowledge with the bank’s private customers, according to a press release.

Chief strategist at Handelsbanken, Halfdan F. Granyardwho will be Olsen’s new manager in the wealth and asset management department, is pleased to have got the new recruit in place.

– Handelsbanken has a strategy for significant growth in the Norwegian private market, which means that we will take a larger and more visible role in Norway. In this, Thea will play an important role in imparting financial knowledge and advice to our private customers. She has shown how skilled she is at this very thing, so we are looking forward to it, says Grangård in the message.

Olsen says that she is passionate about helping people make good choices for their own finances.

– One of the most important things in my role as a consumer economist is to contribute to financial security. This role is about conveying the messages in such a way that as many people as possible understand. Simple language has been one of my fads, and with good advice I can, together with Handelsbanken, make people better equipped for what’s to come, she says.

According to the report, Handelsbanken is now investing in a new digital offer for its private customers and has signed new agreements with the associations Tekna and Akademikerne Pluss. Combined with personal advice, they hope to create even better customer experiences.

– I perceive Handelsbanken as a challenger with high ambitions in the Norwegian banking market. In addition, the bank is known for having very satisfied customers. It doesn’t come naturally, so I feel lucky to now be given this role. I am really looking forward to becoming part of Handelsbanken, says Olsen.

2023-09-14 14:03:00
#Consumer #economist #moves #Danske #Bank #Handelsbanken

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