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Former President Trump Expresses Support for Speaker Johnson Amid Ongoing GOP Friction

Trump Shows Support for House Speaker Mike Johnson in Face of Ousting Motion

Trump Shows Support for House Speaker Mike Johnson in Face of Ousting Motion

Former President voices encouragement for embattled Louisiana Republican

Former President Donald Trump expressed support for House Speaker Mike Johnson amid mounting pressure for his ouster. With GOP Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene threatening a push to remove Johnson from his speakership, Trump stood alongside Johnson in a news conference held at Mar-a-Lago. Trump commended Johnson’s performance, emphasizing his good relationship with both Johnson and Greene.

Solidarity amid Mounting Challenges

Johnson’s decision to host the news conference with Trump serves a dual purpose. Besides showcasing their camaraderie, it also aims to offer Johnson some political protection. Johnson faces intense pressure from the right wing of his party, particularly on contentious issues like aid to Ukraine. Seeking to secure his speakership and navigate critical decisions, Johnson uses Trump’s backing to bolster his position.

Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Ousting Motion

Greene’s motion to remove Johnson from the speaker position, being contemplated by some Republican members in the House, could seriously challenge Johnson’s leadership. It is in this context that Johnson’s meeting with Trump takes on further significance. Johnson’s reportedly seeks to gauge Trump’s stance on a potential Ukraine aid package, an issue that could majorly impact Johnson’s speakership.

Trump’s Influence on Remaining House GOP

Trump’s role and his level of involvement in the House GOP infighting over Johnson’s future as the speaker cannot be underestimated. Given his considerable influence and support among staunch conservatives, Trump’s endorsement, or lack thereof, carries significant weight. Worried about a potential return to internal chaos and discord, many House Republicans hope Trump will come out in support of Johnson and quell the dispute.

Promoting Immigration and Election Security Concerns

The Issue at Hand

During the joint news conference, Johnson and Trump took the opportunity to draw attention to state proposals and lawsuits involving non-citizens voting. Despite federal law banning non-citizens from participating in federal elections, Trump continues to propagate false claims that Democrats desire the influence of undocumented migrants at the polls. Republicans are rallying around this issue, leveraging it to play on fears surrounding immigration and election security.

Promoting Legislation on Proof of Citizenship

Johnson pledged a house vote on a bill that calls for proof of citizenship, even though it is already illegal for non-citizens to vote. By promoting this measure, Johnson and the GOP engage in a political messaging vote that targets their base. Republicans are seeking to amplify this issue in the run-up to the elections, capitalizing on voters prioritizing immigration concerns.

Potential Trump Endorsements

Trump spent Friday night at Mar-a-Lago with Johnson and Richard Hudson, chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee, engaging in discussions about congressional races and potential congressional endorsements. Trump’s possible support, or lack thereof, carries significant implications for the ongoing battle for the speakership.

Division among Republicans

Greene’s Persistence and Calls for Johnson’s Removal

Greene, a staunch ally of Trump, insists on pressing forward with her motion to oust Speaker Johnson, regardless of Trump’s statement of support. She views the motion as a distinct House issue, separate from Trump’s unified work with the speaker. Her intentions indicate a divide within the Republican Party and demonstrate the challenges Johnson faces in maintaining his position.

Hesitance within House GOP

Many House Republicans, however, vehemently oppose deposing Johnson and fear a return to disarray within their ranks. After the historic and unprecedented removal of former Speaker Kevin McCarthy, dissident conservatives fueled chaos for weeks. Johnson’s departure would likely exacerbate internal divisions and hinder effective governance within the GOP.

Seeking Trump’s Backing

Johnson’s allies have urged Trump to publicly support the speaker, or at the very least, stay out of the ongoing dispute. The level of Trump’s involvement and his final stance could greatly impact the outcome, as his support carries significant weight within the party.


As House Speaker Mike Johnson faces a mounting effort to remove him from his speaker position, he seeks political cover through a display of unity with former President Donald Trump. Trump’s public support could be critical in securing Johnson’s speakership. Meanwhile, Marjorie Taylor Greene, refusing to abandon her motion, sets the stage for significant division within the Republican Party. The political future of Johnson and the GOP’s quest for unity hang in the balance, awaiting Trump’s intervention.

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