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Former President Trump Expected at Manhattan Criminal Court: Updates from Trump Tower

anna patricia:important to note that last nightthe judge decided that it does not goallow media into broadcast livepresentation of charges.we return later. bynow we go to the trump towerwhere is liveour partner jonathaninoa, it is expected that theformer president and what is lived inthis moment?jonathan: hello,Ana Patricia, good afternoon.this area is congested,many tourists travel heredown this fifth avenuevisiting luxury stores.nowthings have multiplied andthis because not onlyhavethe large number of journalistspart of this storyhistorical fact of bringing to thejustice for a former presidentlosUnited States for the first time.besides,we have a lot ofcurious who have beentrying to seethe former president to leave historre.where the police have beenTrying to control all of this.a inI have been moved about three timesof the place where I have beenand here we see how the greatamount of peopleis being mobilized by theauthorities. i think they shouldbe preparing for thedeparture of the former president ofthis building,where you are expected to go tomanhattan criminal courtdown in the center, in thedowntownto stand up for those 30charges that he accuses him, that hecoinedjury or last week.we see how the police mobilizeto people as they aremoving.they are preparing for theirhelicopters in the area,not only the department ofnew york police, alsoother channels oftelevision that they are takingexit trump towerto head downManhattan. it is believed that it will arrivethereshows up at 2:15 p.m. andit will be a quick visit, no moreof 15 minutes. there that herewe are in the trump tower withthe images from midtownmanhattan and where is expectedvery soon I’ll be leaving yourresidence of the former president.anna patricia:I was about to leave becausewe are talking about yourjourney would be 45 minutes,from the tower to the courtcriminal inmanhattan which will be at 2:15pm when processed in thecriminal court. It is expected thattake your fingerprintsfingerprints therewill listen to the reading of some30 charges for which it will becourt.you can decide not to listen to it. heformer president will not be handcuffed,and not signed with a photo,for security reasons becausethe photo can be filteredand that brought problems to everythingthe process. he is a chorehe said he will be found not guiltyHe also said that they shouldcharge the ex-prosecutorbecause you have leaked the amountof charges that he had in hisagainst. we present the odeso that you are awarestep by step with developmentof this historic news therewait for the update

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