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Former PD Cadre Claims to be Visited by AHY People Asking to Revoke AD/ART Lawsuit to MA


AD/ART plaintiff who is also a former Party cadre Democrat (PD), Adjrin Duwila admitted that he was visited by the stronghold of Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY). This was allegedly done so that his party withdraws the lawsuit.

“We are talking about robbers, we who are here also experienced an extraordinary political intimidation,” said Adjrin during a press conference in the Pondok Indah area, South Jakarta, Saturday (2/10/2021).

Adjril revealed that former PD cadres who sued AD/ART to the Supreme Court (MA) were approached by the AHY camp. He considered the approach taken as a form of tampering so that the lawsuit submitted to the Supreme Court was withdrawn.

“We were visited, invited, we were invited for coffee, a family approach was taken. What does it mean, you tried to approach us as plaintiffs. You robbed us for the purpose of apologizing in quotation marks, you thwarted us to withdraw our lawsuit,” he said.

“Even if, for example, yesterday there was a friend of ours who had withdrawn the lawsuit, yes. Maybe now there is one of our friends who we suspect is a victim of burglary, if it is true that he is a victim of burglary, maybe he hasn’t been vaccinated. So his commitment to the struggle is still questionable,” he continued. .

Meanwhile, the former chairman of the Ngawi Democratic Party (PD), Muh Isnaini Widodo, admitted that he was visited by one of the AHY camps. He suspected that the arrival of one of AHY’s camps was an attempt to withdraw the lawsuit of former cadres in the Supreme Court.

“So, Mas AHY, how can we revoke the 154 and the JR. And today, yesterday, I was also visited on how I can revoke it,” said Isnaini.

Isnaini emphasized that the lawsuit to the Supreme Court, according to him, is a commitment to upholding democracy. He is not afraid because in the struggle he thinks he can lose and he can win.

“But again, brothers and sisters, that commitment to me is a fixed price. Commitment for me is the price of my name. When I no longer hold on to my commitment, especially with the lure of rupiah, it means that my price is that big, I don’t want my name to be valued in rupiah. We don’t have to be afraid, we don’t have to be sad in this struggle, we can win or lose. What is clear in this struggle is that I uphold democracy,” he added.


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