Home » Business » Former ÖVP Chancellor Sebastian Kurz on trial for false statements in Ibiza U committee

Former ÖVP Chancellor Sebastian Kurz on trial for false statements in Ibiza U committee

The trial against former ÖVP Chancellor Sebastian Kurz begins today at the Vienna Regional Court. He is accused of making false statements in the Ibiza U committee. PULS 24 reports live from the courtroom.

In the dock take next Sebastian Short also the former ÖVP deputy party leader Bettina Glatz-Kremsner as well as the ex-cabinet head in the Federal Chancellery Bernhard Bonelli Place. They will too False statement accused. All will plead not guilty.

For now, three dates have been scheduled until October 23rd. More days will probably be necessary. The Economic and Corruption Public Prosecutor’s Office (WKStA) has requested a total of 18 witnesses. On the first day, the opening lectures from the WKStA and the lawyers are expected.

How does Kurz defend himself?

Only last Friday, Sebastian Kurz let his lawyer Otto Dietrich reveal how he wanted to defend himself. The so-called could Statement emergency play a role. Accordingly, witnesses and informants are allowed to lie if they would otherwise fear investigations against them. If Kurz refers to this, it could be used in any further lawsuits against him.

The presumption of innocence applies to all defendants.

2023-10-18 08:20:53
#WKStA #Sebastian #Kurz #trial #halftruths #untruths

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