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Former Minister of Justice: What is happening around Borissov’s arrest is worrying – Politics

Bulgaria is a country that has been fighting for the rule of law for a long time. This means that if there is a traffic limit of 40 km / h, everyone must drive at 40 km / h, said in the program “Face to Face” on BTV the former Minister of Justice Anton Stankov.

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The arrest of Boyko Borissov 93

Just because someone has ever committed atrocities does not mean that the next government is entitled to the same things. One lawlessness does not justify another lawlessness, he said of the former prime minister’s arrests Boyko Borisov

Boyko Metodiev Borissov is the Prime Minister of the Republic of Bulgaria. He was born on June 13, 1959former Minister of Finance Vladislav Goranov and GERB PR Sevdalina Arnaudova.

I have voted for this government, but what is happening at the moment worries me in several respects. I understood that the case was assigned to the Sofia City Prosecutor’s Office, and the competent prosecutor’s office was the specialized one, which was announced to be closed. I am also worried about the way Vasil Bozhkov from Dubai was interrogated. I do not know such a procedural order. The third major concern is the intervention of the European Public Prosecutor’s Office. In my opinion, Bulgaria is entering a huge international scandal because the European Prosecutor’s Office was created to solve problems of the European Union, and we use its name for some small purposes against the background of everything it was created for, said Stankov.

In this country, the law must be obeyed, regardless of who is in power. I am not surprised by Borissov’s arrest, he must be held accountable, but this must be done in accordance with the law. There is no bad law. Any law can be implemented with the appropriate wisdom and knowledge, said the former justice minister.

This is how Borisov was escorted to the arrest

Konstantin Todorov


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